I have talked to Global survey people and some pipeline people and they said there is a huge oil deposit under the Haynesville Shale. They said it it bigger than Iraq, Saudi, Iran and Kuwait combined. They said it was very deep and probable expensive to get to. Has anyone else heard about this?

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OMG, it's a conspiracy to keep it quiet to keep all us mineral owners quiet. The black helicopters will be showing up at your home to silence you shortly.

(Sorry, just joking.)

This rumor pops up from time to time. Lots of pretty knowledgeable folks here and elsewhere say it's not possible due to the temperatures and pressures involved.

It would be nice to think that the experts are wrong, but don't hold your breath.

I believe the idea is that it's too hot down there for oil to survive, even if it's in some sort of "shale" formation.

Further info from the more informed members would be appreciated.
"OMG, it's a conspiracy to keep it quiet to keep all us mineral owners quiet. The black helicopters will be showing up at your home to silence you shortly.

(Sorry, just joking.)"

This is more plausible an outcome than we would care to admit... I keep waiting to the day when Homeland Security Forces mobilize and seize control under the guise of imminent domain!
The Smackover formation stratigraphically underlies the Haynesville Shale Zone and this formation is OIL productive northward in the "Haynesville Field" in the northern Claiborne Parish area, extending up into Arkansas. This oil production is pretty minimal at present, but with tertiary recovery (using carbon dioxide, or CO2), the potential for tremendous additional oil production may be possible from the old field. I don't really think there will be oil production in the Smackover formation in the area of current Haynesville Shale natural gas production.
Could this be the reasoning behind some of these ‘exploratory’ wells like our Whitton #1 by Devon up in Shelby County?
Jere, unfortunately survey and pipeline people are not reliable sources of information. I have had people swear there is a massive oil field offshore California that holds more oil than all the Middle East but the country is just sitting on it - some type of government conspiracy.
This is a ridiculously stupid rumour that just keeps popping up, it is physically impossible.
That is what they kept telling the Wright brothers back in 1902...
and in 1903 they proved that it was physically possible for man to fly!
LIke I said, there is no oil underneath the Haynesville, it is physically impossble. Believe what you want. Why don't you google the "oil/gas" window. This is an idiotic rumour.
I agree the possibility of oil below the shale and above the Lou Ann salt is nil, but what lies beneath the salt no one knows (no well has ever been drilled below the salt in Shelby Cty). Even then the chances are slim, but why has CHK drilled or at least been permitted for 18,000 ft. in the Harvey 1 and the Carzenava 1 in Shelby County. Don't wont to hear that the depths permitted include the horizontal leg, as this is not the case in Texas, don't believe me, call the TRRC, they will verify.

Enough already, the Harvey 1h in Shelby County has been on sales for almost 100 days and yet no release of IP, can someone please explain to me why CHK can withhold this info for this length of time, even though TRRC says 30 days. I have seen cases approching 90 days but never 100.
Did you get your information from CHK or another source? Just wondering. Wouldn't the people who own the minerals rights and under lease have already been notified if it had been on sales for that long? Someone said earlier in the Harvey 1H discussion that CHK might keep that info quiet until the end of the year. I'm with you, curiosity is about to get the best of me.
But is is one of those fun rumors to keep promoting... the thought of a huge reserve hidden under the Haynesville Shale sort of gives the 'big kids' something to believe in... like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Ferry, or the Great Pumpkin...

Look at it the other way... "IT" could be something hiding down under there like in the Science Fiction stories... you know like the "The Thing below" where a top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage....
I just hate when that happens... lowers the value of homes... wrecks the areas nightlife... do you remember the "Blob" or the "Green Slime" movies? These big goopie oily things went on the warpath and began eating everything in sight...
"This is an idiotic rumour."

That's probably what a lot folks that didn't put a depth clause in their shallow lease thought as well.


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