Have been trying to find out if any drilling or plans on drilling in SEC 30 TWN 17 RGE 15. Have seen the 31 and 32 plans and those owners also got letters indication drilling. As of now I know of no one getting a letter indicating plans on Drilling in this area. Anyone with any info on this area would be appreciated.

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RJ, Chesapeake has permitted the Tucker 32 #H1 Well (Ser #240406) in your section.
Wow that was fast. Did it say where it was going to be? I thought 3-4000ft was as far as they could drill Horz. Where can I find this info Les.
RJ, please ignore my previous post as I made a mistake with the section number. There is not a permitted Haynesville Shale well in your section and the section has not been unitized.

Please accept my apology for the mistake.
Which sections in this township range are permtted
32 has a permit for sure.
JA, only Section 32 in T17N-R15W has a permitted Haynesville Shale well.
I was wondering why it said 32. Curious why there seems to be Sections around 30 being permited and drilled but no section 30. I think even 31 may have a permit. When you say its not been unitized what does that mean Les. Hey dont worry about the mistake you are correct many many times more than you are wrong. No need for an apology Les. Appreciate you trying to find out. Im sure lots of folks in section 30 would like to at least see a permit for 30 soon.
RJ, actually only Section 32 is the only one in T17N-R15W with a permitted Haynesville Shale well. There are two Haynesville Shale wells permitted to the south in Sections 5 & 6 of T16N-R15W.

Not being unitized just means no one has applied with the State to form a Haynesville Unit for Section 30. Normally this occurs before applying for a well permit. Eleven sections (2-7, 9-10, 15-16, 32) in T17N-R15W have Haynesville Units.
Who has permitted section 16 and any related info as we have land in section 16, 17 and 20
JA, Samson is the operator for the Haynesville Unit in Section 16.
Hmm,Well that is not good news for section 30 then. Wonder what the problem is if any with 30. Maybe there is a PAD location problem or something. You would think that They would want their lease money back for that section. Maybe they are just doing the easy to get to locations right now. Will the unit application also be on Sonris ?
RJ, the timing for well permits and drilling is primarily related to lease expirations. If the acreage is already held by production or if the leases are not set for expiration in the next few months then there is no strong reason to drill immediately. It is also unclear who controls the majority of the acreage in Section 30.


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