I saw a thread, I believe here, questioning why it is so expensive to fly into SHV.
I could not find it to reference it. I remember reading ti was less expensive to fly to houst or Dallas then drive to the area or to Arkansas.How long is the drive, are there shuttles? I don't like long drives.

I will be flying to the area in the next few months and wanted to know what are some of the alternative routes that may be less expensive and if there are airlines or other means of flying into SHV that can reduce the cost. I will be flying from the west coast or from Florida if we stop there first.

Last, why is it so much to fly to SHV. In 2008, we flew from the west coast to Tampa, then Tampa to SHV. the fare from West Coast to Tampa (cross country) was less than the Fare from TPA to SHV, and we flew off peak?!

Is it the SHV Airport governing body making the price so high or the airlines themselves in collusion?

With what I am sure is more arrivals and departures than they have ever imagined with all of the HS activity, you would think they would drop the fares.

Tags: airfares, airport, shreveport, travel

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Check airfares through/to Longview. 80)
whats the point... by the time he flies to longview, rents a car and drives to S'port, he could have already driven to S'port and then some. Also, theres no TSA on highway 59
just watch out for the saltwater trucks... I almost got run down a couple of weeks ago...

p.s. I am still looking for a good explanation why Texas has the same speeedlimit on a twolane highway as the Interstate.
Ya'll come on down to Robeline and we'll give ya'll Texans a ticket or two............We have bout near 100 registered voters and four cop cars. One is an undercover SUV and one is a KNINE car for that dope that passes thru from Texas. ya'll drive on thru-ya hear
They can't give you a ticket for running the red light anymore in Robeline.
Baron - I didn't hit his "Reply" button, did I? He told me to leave him alone. I just posted it as a general FYI since VSC made mention of leaving from other areas.

We have flown out of Longview and rates are much cheaper. It is closer to Shreveport than Alexandria. They are limited on flights and airlines but it sure worth looking into. (GGG is the code.)
Answer is kinda simple. Ask the airlines and then turn around and ask the Shreveport Airport Authority. then , if you care to ask the ticketing agents. They all pretty well know that the demise of additional revenue to the city is missing helping to make the Airport Authority balance sheet look like they are really doing their job.

This will not change until someone gets rid of the foxes in the hen house. And I think the heat's being turned up now.
Not sure who the airport governing body is, but didn't the 'airport' have any HS leases? Did they receive any bonus money? Are they receive receiving a bump in revenues with the increased HS revenues?Could they make improvements or concessions that would encourage the airlines that land there to cut their fares?I would think the airport vendors would be up in arms that people are flying into surrounding airports and making their post-flight purchases elsewhere. If I fly in through a different airport, I am not renting a car in shreveport, using a taxi for transportation, buying post flight snacks, knick knacks etc.
Just seems off.
Maybe because it is a smaller airport.
Suffice it to say you have given me alternatives, and I probably won't be flying into SHV again.
Thanks again GHS!
Come on Jay, This has been discussed at length before. Its not a conspiracy.

The leases were competitively bid, TWICE. When the airport was leased no one wanted the leases, no one wanted to fool with all the FAA nonsense. The leases were signed before the HA shale boom by the Hightower administration.


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