This link will take you to a presentation done by a Penn State Geology professors and gives some basic shale information and why certain patterns are developing. This particular presentation is directed to the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania but there are some interesting items as they pertain to the mechanics of shale fracturing and other things. I found a couple of his statements to be a bit erroneous, but generally not as it pertains to the gas shales. Anyway, something fun to watch/listen to when you get bored!

There's also a discussion regarding a 2008 Texas Supreme Court ruling on Rule of Capture for those with some interest in petroleum law (pretty much everyone!).

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thanks for the link Mmmarkkk. very informative as to the fractures and the impossibility of mineral trespass in regard to the rules of capture. here's to hoping my toast is the perfect golden brown ! lol
also Mmmarkkk, what would you predict well spacing to eventually be in the haynesville shale?
I'm thinking the equivalent of 80 acre spacing. With horizontal wells, it doesn't work out exactly to 80's, but generally 8 wells per section. EOG is testing tighter spacing in the Barnett. I believe they were advertising that their base was a ~100 acre equivalent and were testing 60's and even downspaced a few sections below that to see what the recoveries were. I haven't seen anything on the results but I'll give it a look.

Given the depths of the HA and the cost to drill, getting below the equivalent of an 80-acre spacing would seem problematic.

I don't think we'll see that for a while, though, as prices aren't likely to drive a lot of fast downspacing!
prices aren't likely to drive a lot of fast downspacing!
that's a very good point. have you heard of any multilaterals off of the same well bore in the haynesville shale, and what effect if any do you suppose this would have on spacing ?
Encana was going to put 7 wells on my land and our section but are just doing 1 due to prices. So, I guess when prices rebound or they get the 2011+ hedging set to their standards then maybe they'll drill the rest. I'm not concerned if they'll drill more than one but when. I would imagine that if they drill a section, are happy with the results, and have infrastructure in place then they'd be more apt to drill another well from the standpoint that they have a more concrete understanding of the specific area/zone. I wonder if they use the vertical section of the 1st well to then go off in different directions horizontally? The pad they put down is enormous which leads me to believe that this is what they'd do. It makes sense from a cost standpoint but I don't know if it's practical or would allow them to hit all the other zones of natgas. I would also assume that they could drill the horizontal legs much faster due to the vertical leg being in place.
Logan, each well is completely separate. It is not practical nor feasible to drill more than one Haynesville Shale lateral from the same wellbore.
Wow, that's a lot of money. I thought maybe they could save money using the same vertical leg, but I guess not. I've tried to figure out if they do the wells in a specific pattern. I was guessing maybe one at each corner of the section running in a square like pattern then filling in the gaps in between, but I don't know.
Logan, for an 80 acre spacing the horizontal wells are drilled in a north-south direction ~ 660 ft apart.
Another question answered....thanks so much. That was something that I've wondered for a long time.
It seems feasible. I would defer to an engineer or someonelse about how "practical" it may be.



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