I noticed this morning that 3 more wells had been permitted in the Y'Barbo survey from 15k' to 18k' in the haynesville or a wildcat field. They are all near the EOG Gammage well. Does anybody have any information about what's going on there?

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I was listening to a webcast the other day where Southwestern CEO said they encountered 160' of HA at the San Augustine/Nacogdoches County Lines. They seem to be going for some really long laterals at 18500'. Should really speak to the success of the results of the Gammage well if nothing else.
I also saw where Goodrich had drilled the endeavor # 1 in Nacogdoches co to 12,115'. It potentialed 10.089MCF on a 20/64 choke in the Travis Peak. Isn't this a lot in the Travis peak?
Everone in this survey is being very quiet. Wells that have been drilled are not being reported yet.
We drove out there a few weeks back & turned off (and parked) a car-length off the county road. Couldn't see much, except one of the flow-back guys jump in a truck & started charging us. We backed up & went on up the county road. He backed all the way to the location. We turned around & went back to our spot. Here he came again. We left........ we did see that it had a small flair going, like it really does have some H2S.
Which well did that happen at?
The EOG - Gammage #1. We didn't even get off public property! I look for results for this well EVERY DAY, have listened to webcasts, etc... & still no info that I can find -

type Gammage #1 H well in search and you can read prior info on the Gammage well including John Gammage comment about the well he has 100% of minerals in the well. EOG has premitted 3 more H well in the area--Hill--Hassel--Pop Pop---- the gammage IP was >10 mmcf/d with only 2700' lateral in the lower boosier/haynesville shale. This is hot area NNE Nacgodoches County in the Martinsville field. A few miles NNE of the Gammage near the Shelby/San Aug. line is the SWN/Common Resources 50/50 JV Red River 877 well a shale well IP 8.7 mmcf and after 3 months still >3.5 mmcf/d can reveiw production data of this well red river on the rrc site
That's great. I didn't see where the lateral was only 2,700' long. I have seen where SOME people say it DID test at >10MMCFGPD, but I haven't seen any Commission filing or official announcements from EOG or Petrohawk. I still don't how much water or pressure, and one person says the gas stream is 40% CO2. That would be real unusual.


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