Hi All,

If you have a few moments, please share any info and projections if any for the Grizzlies DU #1H, Exxon/XTO (Haynesville Shale) Nac Co., YBARBO; (as opposed to the Grizzly in San Augustine County).

The Grizzlies DU pad site has to 2 big vertical tanks, 2 horizontal propane type tanks with an exhaust, and another station with a digital readout of 8.5 (as I recall) that appears connected to the new pipeline running east/west parallel to the pad.

I read earlier today on GHS that a well can produce but may not be completed. What does that mean?

I appreciate any and all comments!

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They turned in the well record portion of the G-1 report on 10-25-11 (no IP).  It very well could be complete and flowing gas by now and the IP should be reported soon if that is the case.
Thanks for that, though I read the first sentence as; They turned in the world record...

Are the IP or other pressure readings available? We can't access that info.

Also, it looks like two more Grizzlies are in the works, there're being mapped. Any info on those?

A. Rose,

I checked yesterday and there was nothing new then.  All I know about the new wells are the locations and plats available on the W-1s.  There won't be any more info available on new wells until a rig shows up to drill.  

The new Grizzlies SL look to be going to the NW corner of FM 95 & Hwy 21.

Plenty of folks will be watching for equipment and progress.

Thanks for your info jffee1. Anytime you or anyone else runs across info on the Grizzlies, please jump in.

Amazing transformation this way the past two years, looks like more to come.

Chireno has seen a major transformation, no doubt about it.  Now, if y'all just had a gas station you would be "uptown"!  

That was my first comment about the Grizzlies locations... that we would be able to observe from either highway.  They may end up in my photo gallery.

My first request to get Chireno uptown would be DSL. Current net access using satellite and 3G keeps us in slow-mo.

And would you believe some businesses and residencies do not have access to Natural Gas?That's one utility not available in some close in areas, even though Chireno Natural Gas has been on Main Street for ages.

The owners of the white house up on the hill off 95 across from the coming Grizzlies SL would likely be agreeable to you shooting pics for your photo gallery from their place.

I know the house you are speaking of.  It sounds like a great place to shoot from, too, because the side of the road at that intersection is sort of risky anymore (with all the trucks through there all the time).


Okay, here's some numbers on the Grizzlies DU #1 as of a posting yesterday.

Status 707341 API# 347 33208

Anybody have anything else?

First production was reported in October. The reported IP was 8.311 MMcfd on an 18/64 choke with a 9422# flowing pressure.

Oct.- 122,895 mcf

Nov.-259,387 mcf

Are these middlin' figures?

Did I jinx the Grizzlies SL by asking about them before any dirt was moved? Stakes are present but zero activity @ 21 & 95.

Thanks as always jffree1

Yes, those are average numbers (for XTO) but the well has a good high flowing pressure.    I don't see them getting in a big hurry right now on the SL and the permits are good for two years.

Shout when you see some activity.


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