AOGC has put a stipulation on the Triad Atlanta well permit which states Triad must identify the operator behind the leasing before the state will allow them to drill. This means we'll either find out who's behind Triad or they won't drill the well. I guess we'll see soon. Any other thoughts?

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Southwestern Energy????

Mr. Meaney,


I know you've worked the Brammer well and you know a lot about the Smackover formation. Do you think this play will as important as the Fayetteville shale they discovered?

It's too soon to tell but whoever is behind Triad may think so.
I wish them luck. This area could use an economic boost. Union parish is a beautiful place but it has basically been in a financial depression since the 60s.


Good to here from you.How did the Brown Dense symposium go? I talked to Mr. Sanders last week and he was very curious as well.Is there any way we can get info from the meeting.Also do you know when Brammer is going to spud the next well?Thanks.


Hey, Tony. The symposium went really sold out and there was a waiting list. The handout included some powerpoint slides but mainly technical papers that two of the speakers had published in various journals. Because of copyright restrictions we were only permitted to provide copies to the attendees, i.e. we couldn't print copies for "sale." Maybe I can come up with a list of a few of the most important. There was an article in the May (?) issue of the Oil & Gas Investor that included a discussion of the Brown Dense.

Bill Meaney

Many of us do not have accesss to copies of the Oil & Gas Investor, could you give us a summary of the article?  Did the article rate the potential of the brown dense?

Gosh, has it been over a month since you asked for a summary? I just went through my stacks of stuff but haven't come up with it. I'll keep looking.

The operator isn’t necessarily the company behind all this..... if they want to stay hidden they will just hire another small company to operate the well. 

I think the AOGC knows that. There are some other particulars that will force them to release their name if they want to drill.
You are right North,they stated "We want to know who is playing in our backyard"

Tony, where you at the meeting?


If so, what was triads response?



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