If you are a UMI under a well or wells operated by the following companies, I would like to speak with you.  Click on my name in blue to go to my private page.  If you are not already a "friend", please send me a friend request so I can allow you to access my page.

Skip Peel, Independent Landman



GEP Haynesville




Views: 909

Replies to This Discussion

DeSoto Parish ORRI Deborah Kay Bartolo, bartolodeb@aol.com

Debbie, if you have an overriding royalty interest, you are not an unleased mineral owner.

Since these leases started from my dad in the 1970’s and 1980’s and am getting paid on some but feel there is a lot I am missing. How do I proceed from here?

What do you think you may be missing, Debbie?  Do you have some specific questions?

I have original leases from mid 70’s and 80’s. I know that they were in specific sections, T and R, with detailed info on these leases. My Mom ended up with the assignments and through the years when new wells were drilled, she was receiving the proceeds from an established ORRI. I have DOI’s on some wells but through the years of pooling and changing ownership and operators, I don’t know if there is anything my nephews and myself should legally be receiving. I can give you more details to specific questions from here. This would be Spider Field, DeSoto, and Caddo Parishes. 

Post the section-township-range covered in those leases along with the effective date and the term (number of years).  Do you have the documents that cover the ORRIs?  Have you compared the Division Orders you have to the Unit Survey Plats that are on file for those sections?  If not, I'll take a look at them when I get a chance.  If they are on file with the state, I can access them online knowing the s-t-r location for each.


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