Is any information being gleaned yet on the TMS well 244108 VUA;ZAP MINERALS in Sabine Parish 4N-11W?  

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The well is in section 23 - here is a report from Houston Energy:

Hornbeck Prospect (Eagleford), Sabine Parish

Justiss Oil Company reached total depth and logged the #1 Zap Minerals in December 2011.  A ninety foot conventional core was taken across the Eagleford interval.  Preliminary results of the log and core analysis indicate the presence of hydrocarbons.  Upon delivery of the XRD and SEM core analysis, the well will be plugged back and drilled horizontally for approximately 4500’ and a multi-stage frac will be performed.  Houston Energy and its partners have a significant lease position in the Eagleford trend in Central Louisiana with multi-well potential.

Tags: Houston Energy, Onshore Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast

Thanks for the details Tom!

Houston Energy email response regarding status of the Sabine Parish - Hornbeck #1 Zap Minerals Well Serial 244108

3-13-2012 - We have drilled the well to about 9200' and moved the rig off pending core analysis/geological evaluation.  When this data is received, we will make a decision to frac the well as it is configured now, re-enter and drill horizontally, or plug it.

3-14-2012 - We have received some of our data (from the core analysis) , but not all.  At this time we will continue to monitor trend activity, which is moving closer to our well, but will not immediately drill a horizontal lateral.

3-29-2012 - After a thorough review of the data in the Zap Minerals well, we have decided to wait on activity to come to us.  There is oil and gas present, but Justiss feels it is best from an infrastructure/pipeline standpoint to have the wells and subsequent infrastructure move closer.

Zap Minerals #1 well in Sabine Parish, Hornbeck, LA: May 17, 2012

Latest word on Sabine Parish 4N-11W comes from a rep from Houston Energy, Inc. They are saying that they "are waiting on the results of the summer 2012 wells in Rapides. Should they be economic we will go horizontal."

So we'll need to keep a close eye on activity in Rapides over the next few months and hope for or expect a horizontal move on the the shale from Zap Minerals #1 known to possess a hydrocarbon presence.



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