Phillip H
  • Male
  • Sabine Co. Texas
  • United States
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  • Craig Wascom
  • gene
  • Cindy Lou
  • Benedumtreesoilwell
  • reallyoldguy
  • CajunInTexas
  • Joanne W. McBride
  • Katie McCullin
  • Fay Arthur
  • Lrb2brnot2b
  • Rebel Roy
  • Fred W. Smith
  • ALongview
  • Sarah
  • jffree1

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Phillip H's Discussions

Does antbody know how to get a hold of Devon!
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Phillip H Nov 23, 2011.

How do you find Sonris site for Texas
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Phillip H Aug 17, 2008.


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At 9:29 on May 30, 2012, Lrb2brnot2b said…

you lucky if that old post office is stil open.  they are talking of closing lots of them down.  might as well,  the postal workers all combined owe about 300.000,000  in unpaid income taxes.  If I didn't pay my taxes the irs would take everything i got.  how do govt. employees and postal workers get away with not paying their taxes?

At 16:20 on August 6, 2011, Sarah said…

Well that's very exciting!  Hopin' it's a monster! Also, I just love that post office in your avatar.

Looks like simpler times. :)

At 14:35 on August 2, 2011, Sarah said…

Hi Phillip.  I hope your minerals prove to be productive some day. :)

At 1:16 on August 2, 2011, Rebel Roy said…
No, never did. 
At 11:50 on August 1, 2011, Rebel Roy said…
Still here. How are you doing?
At 3:06 on November 19, 2008, ALongview said…
Phillip, It sure is a small world. I came into the family a little late to go to any but I have heard they had some pretty big reunions out there.
At 16:29 on November 18, 2008, ALongview said…
Phillip, We only have minerals out there now, a little over 175 acres in D. Hoffman. The family land is a little over 440 acres I think. It was my wife's family ranch for 100 years or more(an aunt owns the surface). It is in the NW part of the survey. I haven't been there in 7-8 years. It is the circle-d ranch. Her grandfather was C.T. Dorsey, it was his land.
At 20:57 on September 26, 2008, Rebel Roy said…
Have you signed yet? Any new news. I am back overseas and waiting.
At 1:12 on August 21, 2008, Rebel Roy said…
I just put those apes on a couple months ago. It is an 07. Might catch up on a ride with you one day.
At 17:56 on August 20, 2008, Rebel Roy said…
OK, thanks for the update.


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