Brown dense......leasing activity Union County,Union Parish.....EOG


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This is a post being sent to anyone having info on a shale fprmation called brown dense. There is a company called PINE bELT WHO IS RUMORED TO BE LEASING
several 300 to 400,000 acres in two counties in Ark. and one ....Union Parish ,La.
Is anyone selling leases?? If so ,what is the going rate?
EOG is spin-off to the old Enron company.
This lease asctivity seems to on a hush-hush basis.
Does anyone think this might be as big as any of the other shale plays? Jim B.

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Do you think 22N 14W is prospective for the dense?
Electro - what is the thickness and depth of the brown dense in Union County, Arkansas? I assume the formation is very tight and low porosity and would require horizontal drilling and a frac job. I believe the Smackover typically is oil with associated sour gas. I would assume the gas from the brown dense would also be sour. It has been my experience that this type of production will create a sour gas smell in the area where the wells are drill. Do you agree with my opinions above are do you see it a different way.

I was told by a man from Shreveport last week with 40 plus years in the oil business that the 2 test wells drilled in the Brown Dense were in a sense successful in that there is an enormous amount of oil there but the problem being the sour gas coming out also. They are working on a way to capture that gas and then move forward with drilling. He expects a huge boom in leasing all along the state line and down into north louisiana when the problem with the gas is figured out. I hope he is right - I have property in Lafayette County on the state line.
What is location of 2 test wells for brown dense?
Jim B.
Yes it is part of the Smackover
Have you been approached for a lease in Union County or Union Parish?
Yes it would be, but it is not a shale. It is an argillaceous dirty, sandy limestone. Porosity is between 0 to 3% and no to very little perm. Most of the shows I have seen in the brown DENSE are from fractures and oily.
Why would a company lease thousands of acres for exploration if the prospect is as dismal
as you seem to think?
I don't think he is saying it's dismal, it's just completely unlike a shale gas play, I hope it turns out great.
In what way is it different? Does it produce on a much smaller scale or is it less
valuable as a prospect? Should the lease bonus and royalty be substantially less?

Is your property in Columbia County? Pine Belt was leasing in that area/

I am a mineral owner in Union County and Union Parish and have been approached
for leases.
Its not a gas play. It is oil. There is sour gas associated whith it though.
I wouldn't say it's very compareable.



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