
Anyone have some data about the gas composition that comes out of the wellhead, before it goes through the gas treating facilities? I guess it changes from well to well but an example would be nice.



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Marc, I have seen some very limited data from some some of the early vertical wells in East Texas but it varies significantly and may be impacted by commingling with some shallower production.  Some comments by producers and gas pipelines indicate the CO2 content ranges from less than 2% to ~ 3-4% in the southern edge of the play.  H2S content can exceed 4 ppm requiring treatment.  The hydrocarbons are primarily methane with less than 1% of ethane and heavier components.  So example may be 2.5% CO2, 0.2% N2, 96.6% methane & 0.7% ethane and heavier.   



The gas varies from place to place, and well to well, but in general, the gas is lean, 850 Btu is common, and has about 5-6% CO2 and can have some H2S in it (usually in the < 100ppm levels), but some odd wells get into over 1000 ppm.



Marc, which area of the play are you referencing?  Some of the play has CO2 content less than 3%. 
Near Mansfield
Marc, that information defintely seems anomalous when compared to composition information from East Texas, operator comments and gas treater sizes for various gathering systems.   


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