I keep reading about the SCC and that no fees are charged, but I can't find any concrete information about this group. Is there a website, contact person, e-mail address, or anything?

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Weeeellll, I don't know if there is going to be a vote, or who will be voting. Will it be the board or the homeowners? But I most certainly hope our Board has an attorney look at the SCC's recommended lease agreement. The area the SCC is trying to join together is very large, very diverse in needs, and very densely populated.
I'm just glad that I now have some info. And thanks to jmac I now know our HOA has had some contact with SCC. And God bless that attorney for taking this all on for free.
Your board will vote (hopefully) to join the SCC, then distribute non-binding letters of intent. I heard the attorney speak once, he is experienced at this. Very sharp.
Info found at: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=SHREV...

Southeast Shreveport Homeowners Alliance (SESHA), a consortium of 20 homeowners associations in Southeast Shreveport met Tuesday June 24 at Heritage manor on Stratmore to discuss gas lease issues. Everyone left pleased and quite informed.

Larry Farley of the Captain Shreve Neighborhood Association explained the history of the ShreveCentre Coalition plus its role and strategy in the lease negotiating process.

Attorney Alan Seabaugh explained the importance of negotiating a lease that will best protect homeowners’ property and rights. He related horror stories and how to avoid them and success stories and how to assure them.

Both Seabaugh and Farley stayed to answer the many questions and shared their contact information. Several SESHA members with experience in the petroleum field also shared their advice.

Attendees received packets of information including sample and informational documents for them to take back to and share their own associations.

SESHA and ShreveCentre Coalition are still welcoming groups into this alliance. If your association wants to be part of this, or if your neighborhood doesn’t have an organization and you want to help create one -feel free to contact me

I was attempting to keep the attorney from being inundated with calls before tomorrow when the SCC officially announces the members of their negotiating committee. I hope folks will realize the enormity of his job and give him the space to do it. As you know, much more information will be coming out in the next few days, which should calm the fears of many.
Thank you for all that, I also looked at Mr. McLeod's post over at the Times website. We're starting to exhale over here.

I just visited with our new president, she confirmed that 2 of our board members attended "that meeting" (don't know which one she was referring to). It is my understanding from our conversation (remember, I have no minutes to go by, last published were for Apr.) that the board decided not to join. If I find out to the contrary, I'll amend this statement, but as of right now this is all I know.

QUESTION: If there is a group of homeowners in my neighborhood who want to throw in with the SCC, can we still do it as individuals?

Appreciate all the help.


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