2015-COP-2015  -  12/19/14

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Skip do you know if this well was ever perforated?

I don't recall anything in the database that indicated any perforation.  I think there are three logs.  I can't double check because the MS O&G database is offline currently.  Remind me and I'll check Monday.  The more interesting question in my mind is, who is Tortuga Resources and what is their business history?  There is a Tortuga Operating Company out of Houston that is listed as a LA operator with no producing wells however this is Tortuga Resources out of Canada.  The Burkley-Phillips #1 is their only listed MS well.  I'm suspicious but then again that is my nature.  :-)

Someone linked to Tortuga named Abbas Mahdi has patents on some new devices. One was sold to Schlumberger. It appears that one of the devices has something to do with positioning the guns used to perf along with pressure monitoring and other sensors.

I don't see the link in his Facebook page.  How is Mr. Mahdi connected to Tortuga Resources?

google the phone # on the application. On something named polo domains I pulled up a godaddy web site called corescrap which has the same address and phone # in Canada as that on the application. Abbas Mahdi is listed as administrator. I got involved with the Saints game and then put my plumbers hat on to help my daughter,so I am just getting back in behind the computer. It is my thought that these folks may have interests in high pressure wells which I would think this well has. If I remember correctly the original thread on this well went on for as long as the march of dimes here on GHS. The original operator had grabbed a tiger by the tail when they took this project for a ride. This may be the cutting edge story of maybe some kind of breakthrough science on opening an extreme high pressure formation.

Could be.  Also could be another flim flam pump and dump scheme.  The Mainland investors were the most clueless bunch of penny stock "experts" I've ever followed.  I'll make a note to check the MS O&G database from time to time to see if anything else happens with the well.  Might give us something to talk about while oil exploration takes a break.

I haven't heard of something like a nuclear explosion coming from around Natchez MS. I remember one of the comments from the original posts saying that there was only 2 BOP in the world that could deal with the pressure that they (The original operator) would encounter with this well. This whole deal is above my pay-grade but I am sitting in the grandstands watching it happen.

I thought Mainland was a promotion job from the get go from my knowledge of them in the CV/Haynesville.  I took my geologic opinion from Jay.  He never thought it was a big deal and he was looking at the log from the 1981 Chevron well.  Tortuga may have taken ownership of the wellbore but all the Buena Vista leases expired long ago.  If you start seeing the penny stock pink sheet promoters talking about the Burkley-Phillips you can be sure that it's round two. 


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