If you are a UMI under a well or wells operated by Vine, I would like to speak with you.  Click on my name in blue to go to my private page.  If you are not already a "friend", please send me a friend request so I can allow you to access my page.

Skip Peel, Independent Landman

Views: 395

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Skip Peel, sending a friends request. We were friends before the revamp. I think I am an UMI in S5-9N-12W on road ride-away land adjacent to my gas lease (no mailbox money this past year from XTO lease or Chesapeake who drilled the well).

Thanks, waltcop.  If Chesapeake operates your well, and those minerals are not covered by a lease, the company owes you quarterly production reports to track the well to payout.  After payout you would receive 100% of the value of your portion of the unit production less Lease Operating Expenses.  If you have not noticed Chesapeake and demanded they recognize your interest and send you the monthly reports, I suggest you do so.  Chesapeake has already been sued by way of a class action suit for deducting costs from the production of unleased mineral owners that are not allowed under the Louisiana Mineral Code.  I suspect that all the Haynesville Shale operating companies are doing the same and posted this discussion to try and contact a member who is unleased to Vine.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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