O.K. guys,
I need your input. This weekend (April 17th & 18th) was to be the time for us to get together and sign our cards for the 2 families that we are helping. The Bowling get together was slated for Friday night due to the SWAMO meeting Saturday night. We have had to postpone the SWAMO meeting due to scheduling conflicts( 4 of the 12 people that were going to be there are going to Disney World instead) so Saturday is open for the bowling/get together. I need to know what day is better for all. This will not be our only chance to get together so please dont fret if this weekend isnt good for you. I would like to get as many people to sign the cards as possible tho, so if there is some time during the week that we could meet to get any and all to sign the cards, just let me know. I feel quite certain that this will mean a lot to these families. We can all come together and set aside any differences for such a worthy cause.

Not to mention the fact that the pure enjoyment of watching a senior citizen get bounced out of a bowling alley for questionable behavior , is something that doesnt happen every day. I will have bailout money with me this time, Cathaus. I stood in line behind GM & AIG. Needless to say, most of the money was gone by then, so keep it below a felony and things will be fine. (LOL) Just kidin' MeMaw. You know I love ya'.

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For those that cant make it Saturday, I will be in town Friday evening wanting to have an ever so light meal with my hottie wife. If anyone would like to join us for a visit and/or to sign the cards, we would certainly enjoy the company. After nearly 20 years together, I am afraid that the new has worn off of ole Snake and she enjoys visiting with others. I know what you guys must be thinking, how could anybody as lucky as Ms. Snake get tired of listening to him. Well, according to her I used up the last of my good material 19 years ago.
Ooopps, After one full year on here , that means I may have to start repeating myself. (LOL)

As for the rest of you party animals, 5:30'ish Saturday afternoon at Holiday lanes for a round or two of bowling followed by some readings from William Shakespires "Hamlet" "Inside a Thugs Heart" with original poems and letters by Tupac , by non other than our own DCH. Afterwhich we will attempt to have dinner at Trejos on Airline Drive. Thats "Three Brothers" for any that may be linguistically challenged.
Let me hear some yeas or nays so we can make sure everyone that can, is on board.
Will be there
Will probably not be there, but may change. I will try. Got a nasty cold and feel really bad tonight.
I am sorry to report that there arent any available lanes in the Shreveport /Bossier area until 8:00 P.M.
We are going to have to eat first and do some visiting before we will be able to bowl. If thats too late to start for you, I apologize and take full responsibility. As of right now, we have a reserved section at Nicky's on the corner of Airline and 220. If this is a problem please let me know and I will attempt to use my levity to make things right. (My hottie wifes Uncle owns the joint).

While I am sorry that the bowling may not play out as we wanted, the main reason for the gathering tonight was to sign the cards for the two families we are helping. I hope that the real reason is a grand enough one to show up for. I look forward to seeing all the familiar faces and the ones that may have never been a part in the past. There has never been a harsh moment at any of the gatherings, that I am aware of, and we have always had a good time, no matter what side of the aisle you sit on. We will continue that tradition this evening at about 6:00 this evening. If you dont come, you miss out!

Hey guys and gals,
I would just like to thank everyone who has been a part of this thread (and others like it that have absolutely nothing to do with shale) , that have seen fit to extend their hands to help someone in need. Even tho we didnt really know either family, except through the careing eyes of fellow members. This is but one of many things that set this site apart from the norm. God help us all when we get so caught up in us that we dont have time to help others.

We had a good time last night , as usual, and look forward to seeing you'll again in the very near future. I dont know what the future holds but I do know that when one has a safety net held by friends of the magnitude on this site, it makes life much easier. Thanks again for helping to make this possible. I post this morning just to let everyone know how proud I am to say that so many of you are people I consider to be my friends. I hope and pray that the list keeps growing because every one of you , in your own different way, have touched our lives by being a part of it.

While nothing would ever be able to supplant the loss of a loved one, the monies that you have given will at least help, in a small way, to ease some of the financial burden that has befallen these two families. I am somewhat proud to state that through the donations & the biggest loser pot from work, we have raised a total of $1,450 to be split amoung the two families. This may not be O&G related but it sure helps pay for bandwidth in the Big Guys eyes. May He continue to bless each and every person that comes in contact with this site. Because thats what this site truely is, a blessing. Well most of the time it has been! :-)

Thanks again & peace out!
We enjoyed it Snake, Ashley and I were honored to be part of a wonderful night, and it was for such a good cause. I hope the new bowling ball will do you some good. Let's get ready for round three.

Snake, we went to the bar pits today, we probably caught about 15 black Bass, none of them where over 1lb, we caught jackfish like you would not believe, so you didn't miss much.
Mr. Stewart - Thanks for the update and your thoughts. We all come into this world as blessings, innocent babes, with nothing less than goodness & love in our hearts. It is good to know that we can go again to that place in our hearts to help others, especially children. Anytime we can go there, it will be returned to us ten fold. Then the struggles seem less difficult, more bearable.

Thank you for creating the opportunity for us to bestow blessings.

Best always - sesport :0)

I guess in my absense from the site, I missed out on the donation part of the deal. Fill me in on how to donate. I remember the discussion, but somehow missed out on it. I would like to donate if it's not too late. Just let me know how or which thread to go to and I will do it.

Hey Cottontop,

The two families are mentioned at this link......

Jaylyn is the daughter of Jonathan Brazzel, the young man killed in the tragic accident a couple of months back. Her info can be viewed here....


The Shirley family was introduced to us via Cannie, our friend to the north. Lauren is the angel that has helped me shed 52 lbs so far and much more importantly helped me see the need to change from within. She is the reason for my " 18 to Life.... " blog. Her story and donation info can be seen at this link.........


I would like to add that before we mail the cards, I would be thrilled to add "Anyones" name, initials, moniker or whatever the case may be, to the cards. Its not too late. Even if you dont like me or anyone else that may be associated with any of these events, it doesnt matter.This is bigger than that. This is about a community of people that came together through the GHS site, to try and make a small difference in a great big world.
If you would like to donate with us as a group, through your own route or if you have already donated. Even if you are unable to help right now,it doesnt matter. Times are tight for everybody that I know. We just want to let these families know that the losses they face havent gone unnoticed and that we are thinking of them. A little bit of kindness goes a long way.All you need to do is give me the o.k. to sign the card for you. Its as easy as that.

I hope you are feeling better. I hate that we missed ya' again. Hopefully we can catch up next time.

It just goes to show what a great guy you are. I know that none of this is about you, but you are the one who took charge and the one who has worked on it. You have true character and a great big heart.

You had better watch it. People on GHS are going to start thinking you have a heart!
Quit spreading rumors!


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