AC activity map for those interested.

Existing AC fields are in red.

Tags: Austin, Chalk, Map

Views: 7844


Replies to This Discussion

7 wells are in not producing status and 1 well is currently held in production status.

Report on Austin Chalk activity from wells that are no longer in production status.

Pointe Coupee had a great return on investment based on just 7 wells. 296%




Thanks John.

Great information. You've really put together some detailed info. Thanks again.

I find it interesting to compare to the other plays. The Austin Chalk is still very early in comparison even though it has been productive for some time. Only 221 total wells in my AUS query with 104 still in production. Some under well status code Shut-in productive - future utility were noted to be back in production.  

Mr Aldridge,  my wife does not follow blogs, however I ask her if she could locate a Mr Joe Aldridge.  In her search this is where she found your name.  It so happens a week ago, Feb 10th I started following this blog.  She saw some of your postings in Jan 2018.  I have admitted that it is difficult for me to navigate this blog, meaning I can not locate the same thing she found.  Hoping you can direct me.

John Lann (refer to you by Harold K. )

John, this isn't a blog, it's a website.  In a blog, one person (the blog owner) does most of the posting.  In other words, no open discussions that anyone can join.  So think of this as a website and proceed accordingly.  Click on Joe's name in blue and then you can send him a "friend" invitation.  If he accepts you can communicate with him privately should you so choose.  If you have something to say that is not confidential and may be of assistance to other members, by all means post it in an open discussion.  If there are no existing discussions covering your interest, start one.  Welcome to GHS.

Click this link and review some helpful information from Keith (he owns GHS).

Skip,  I am beginning to get a better understanding of how to use GHS .   A few minutes ago I had typed a verrrrry long statement about offers made to our family.  Before I completer I changed to a previous e-mail for a reference.  When I tried to switch back to GMS it was not there.  I logged back on and can not locate what I was typing.  Am I just out of luck and have to start over.

John Lann

John, I appreciate your persistence.  Here is what I do when I am writing a lengthy reply.  I do it in a Word document.  I run spell check.  And then I cut-and paste it into a reply box.  I don't delete the word document until I confirm that my reply was successfully posted.  It is easier to avoid problems such as you experienced and it is easier to review for grammar and spelling.

Thanks Skip, I do that kind of thing in some of my e-mails and copy to myself for safe keeping. If I stop in e-mail it stays as a draft, so I guess no such luck here.


Nope, doesn't work that way here.  You can also post your reply and then go back and make corrections or add content for about 15 minutes after you post.  Sometimes I get to the end of a reply and decide that I want to add a link to help members access more information.  I simply "Add Reply" and then go to the database or article and cut-and-paste the url into my reply by editing it.

The post I made about 20 min ago.  Is that ok what I did.

John Lann

John we all had to learn how to use this site. Once you get the hang of it, it’s well worth the time that you invested. Good luck!!



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