KTBS reports you must be aware of the small print! Scams are on the rise.

The way I look at it is if the lease has small print. Hand it back and tell the SOB make all the print the same size and big so I can see it!


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Be wary of outside offers. I leased to a healthy small local exploration company in 2006. 25% royalty and a fair offer for the times. They drilled nearby, not in the Haynesville and our property was not included in their unit. Last Friday I got an offer from Pinnacle in Lafayette to buy 1/2 of our 25% with the local company for twenty-something thousand dollars. I got on Sonris to see why a Lafayette company would be so interested and saw 2 new Petrohawk drilling permits in my section. I then called the local company I originally leased with. After a few days for them to research, they called back today to say that they had "subleased" the minerals in that area to Petrohawk. If I make it into the unit for the new PH wells, I'll get my 25% royalty, the original company will get something and PH will do well. Be very wary of unexpected offers. Most leases do not have clauses that force the companies to inform you if they sublease or assign the leased minerals to someone else. If you get an offer for something that seems weird, do some research and be very, very wary.


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