Does anyone know what our negotiator is doing? It seems that our neighbors who belong to other groups have signed leases and received signing bonus payments. Are we going to be left out in the cold?

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I have checked the website. That is why I wonder if we will ever get anything out of this. They keep saying we should have an offer within days and nothing happens. Then last week they said we should have an offer late Tues or Wed. But again, nothing. And now they say things are slowing down due to the economic state. The website says we have the missing piece of the puzzle in Southern Hills. I think we are the missing piece--missing out. Sorry, I just don't think it will happen for us. I think it has been too long and now the possibility of an offer is cold.
Hello Ms. Paula, I am an unleased mineral owner that is in the same boat as you are so to speak.The current trend is hard to deal with at times but it can be dealt with because we dont have any choice but to deal with it until they decide to start leasing again. If you feel that it "wont happen for us", you havent done nearly enough homework on the shale plays.If your minerals lie withing the bounderies of the Haynesville Shale,they lie on the largest natural gas field onshore in the U.S. 4th largest in the world!If you truely feel it is too long and too cold for an offer,please donate your minerals to the "Make a Snake Happy Foundation", care of me.

I do not wish to sound crude or cruel but there are millions of people that would love to swap places with you just to have a chance at the opportunity we face!It took 10 years of leasing to get to the numbers this play reached 2 months ago.This thing is 7 or 8 months old and you think its all over with.Please take some of the free time we have to educate ourselves so the stories the O&G's come at us with will be just that, STORIES. Do not talk yourself into defeat.



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