Map enclosed with "Dear Unsigned Landowners of Western Bienville and South Webster,

Someone please look at this (located in Bienville Parish Group) and tell me if you think Bossier Parish (or parts of it) look to be in the middle of the Haynesville Shale according to Petrohawk? I am not good with maps but it sure looks like Bossier Parish is also in the heart of it. That is a really good article, everyone please be sure and read it. Thanks Earl for sharing this with us. You need to put that map up front where everyone can see it. How far north does it look like it goes? I have co-workers in Benton who have been told the shale doesn't go that far. Bossier Parish people please be sure and read this too, very informative.

Dear Unsigned Landowners of Western Bienville and South Webster,
Posted by Earl on July 6, 2008 at 1:10pm in Bienville Parish Network
Before you put pen to paper on a lease that you feel the offer is not adequate enough considering the latest news and projections. I would like to point out one piece of information and one piece only. If you can read this map and still feel as though you are on the fringe, out of the play or just too far away from the "sweet spot" to get a better deal than what’s been offered to you, then I don't know what to tell you. The claims that the best spot for the HS is South Caddo and Northern Desoto no longer holds water, I'm not saying that its not a great place to capitalize on the HS, but the center has moved. The new center is South Bossier Parish until the next big well comes in and dwarfs the Elm Grove Plantation #63. This means something to those of you living in South Bossier, South Webster and Western Bienville; you are now closer to the center than any of the wells in South Caddo and Northern Desoto. The Companies know this, the leasing activity has picked up in this area as land men are quietly scooping up leases far below what the potential for this area is showing. It's SSDD, business as usual, playing on peoples fear of being left out, that they are just on the fringe and lucky to be receiving the offers they are getting and "we're just not interested at the moment".

Now to the single piece of public info that I will present to you, It's not what the landmen are saying, It’s (largest HS thickness of map) not even being discussed on this forum.......yet. It's what Petrohawk presented to their good buddies and friends, also known as Investors and Share Holders on page #11 on their June 2, 2008 report. Below is a copy of their map of this area showing current wells, Isopach (3-D system model) data points and planned well sites for 2008. The info I want you to see and consider is the red dots indicating Isopach data points. The red dot in Southern Caddo Parish says they have 195' of HS. The red dot in Red River Parish shows they have 148' of HS. We know from the "Historical News" report issued by Petrohawk on 06-30-2008 that there is 212' of HS in Elm Grove field. Now draw your attention to the red dot along the South Webster and Northwest Bienville lines. It says 228' of HS in Bienville Parish. Does it say the same thing to you as it does to me? Bienville has 33’ to 80’ thicker shale. The claims are that bonus money and value of the leases is directly attached to the thickness of the HS. Now look at the proposed well sites for 2008 (Gold Triangles) 3 planned wells just north of this Isopach data point in South Webster. That’s a lot of resources (when rig counts are as low as they are right now) in an area they are calling unimportant and uninteresting and "on the fringe"! They would love to have you all signed before any of these wells start producing. Are you going to believe what the landman is telling you or what the "Big Dogs" are telling their good buddies and friends, I mean investors and stockholders?

Patience is the rule. Research. Gain all the knowledge you can attain, it's of the utmost importance if you want to get the best deal possible. You CAN negotiate your own deal; learn to say, "No thanks, I’ll wait." These guys aren’t going anywhere; otherwise they wouldn’t want to sign a yearlong rental-housing lease for themselves. Don't sign anything where there is even one word you do not understand. "It is Coming." Be in the best position to grab a hold of it. I hope this little tidbit helps those of you in and around this area who are fearing you'll be left out and settling.....

Oliver Wendell Douglas III
Tags: bienville, bossier, webster

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Simply great information. If Chesapeake (CHK) could convince Plains Production (PXP) that 110,000 acres in the Haynesville Shale (HS) is worth $30,000 per acre just how in the hell can either of those knowledgeable concerns, in any kind of good faith offer a mineral owner $200 0r $400 or $1000 an acre?

Based upon CHK's figures, they believe that the production from the HS will ultimately pay around $675,000 PER ACRE over the productive life of the formation of 30 to 50 years--a long time and a lot of MONEY.

This siuation frankly asks the question, "Why would CHK or any supposedly reputable
oil and gas operator, try to buy your mineral rights for a miniscule fraction of the costs they themselves charged PXP or each other "? Could the answer be that CHK KNOWS what the fair market value of HS acreage is, as does PXP ? The continuing moral of the story is to demand that same FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR YOUR MINERAL RIGHTS. The oil and gas people USE their so-called NOW money to mineral owners complete disadvantage. Anytime they can wave money in your face regardless of how insufficient it actualy is, they know full well how loudly it screams at you to take it before they evaporate and leave you feeling that they won't ever be back--believe it they will. For it is the mineral owner who controls their ability to get at YOUR minerals. They HAVE to come through you, so never foget it. You have, you own what they want and will pay almost anything to get it. When you think this way; ie, "I own it and they must have it, but only at my price--not theirs'", the situation gets a whole lot more even and your bargaining position improves immeasureably.

When one of these companies decides to start buying your minerals at a price that they themselves would take if the positions were reversed, they will buy up the Haynesville Shale quickly and make billions of dollars in the process. Right now, they are concentrating on trying to steal their way to those billions. It's our complete right and duty to keep them at least a little bit honest if not completely so. DON"T GIVE YOUR MINERALS AWAY. This represents a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Well said Alamo. I agree 1000%.

I think that Twin Cities think we are really stupid here in Bossier City. We just got another offer in the mail today for $5500/acre. I see they are going to be putting on more meetings. I for one will not go to another one of their meetings but if anyone else goes please ask them why they keep insulting us with such low amounts. I am glad to see others on here feel the same way but I am afraid the majority will blindly take what is offered to them. With the amounts going up to over $20,000/acre on the latest reports I just can't believe they are still pushing $5500/acre.
It shouldn't bother you that the majority does blindly take what is offered to them. The further it goes the more yours is worth.
It does if you are forced pooled. Unfortunately I don't own a large piece of land, just my home. We keep hearing that they only give large amounts to people with large amounts of property.
If you only own a small piece of land then force pooling may be a benefit to you. I have no idea how large a lot you have, but if it is a normal lot in a subdivision let's say 1/4 acre.

Even if they reach 20,000 per acre you are looking at about 3K after taxes give or take a little.

Every situation is different I know, but 3K is not going to change my life at all. I am certainly weighing the difference between the 25% royalty and the 100% royalty after the well is paid for my small piece of property.
Mark, just to clarify it is not 100% royalty but rather revenue less expenses. Royalty does not have expenses deducted. Also, the operator may not be obligated to market your share of gas production after payout. This would depend on the terms of the unit operating agreement.
Unfortunately Ms. Patty , They will still continue to get people at these smaller numbers. They don't think that you are stupid , they think that everybody else is !

Think about it for a minute.They know there are people out there that know whats going on.But they also know there are a lot more that don't know or just don't care! Look at Dogwood.They are signing leases and don't even know for sure what their final talley will be until they figure out how many neighbors fell for it.The largest natural gas field in the country and it is worth a whopping $8,000 bonus if 90% sign.Fat chance of that! More like 75% , which makes there sellout after taxes worth about $2,200 for 1/2 acre lot.WHHOOPPPIII! Please pardon my sarcasm this evening , it's been a long day.

The main problem with just letting them go is the fact that some are still friends and family.It hurts but what do you do?
Another issue has to be that , if you are leaving early ,at least raise the bar for the rest of us with some guts.When you leave at 1/2 price to some of the going rates out there , you were breathing up good air. You haven't brought up the numbers for everyone else to work from. As a crow flies you were about as close to Elm Grove as you could be without actually living there. Highest produceing well to date.The newest middle, hot spot of hot spots, until they hit the next bigboy even closer to me.I just don't understand where the leadership was.Bossier area looks like a lot of the other communities around here when it comes to helping their people. You are on your own !

At least out here in the country , I know I have to look out for me and mine! My Homeowners Organization Committee consists of 3 squirrels, a possum and a pair of goats.What could you expect from that bunch ?

I certainly hope that the warm fuzzy feeling sticks with them for a while , because eventually it WILL be replaced with a different kind of feeling.I just hope they can keep it to themselves.

Stick with it Ms. Patty , even if we aren't getting the help we should from some. Have a good one !
Thanks Snakestewart I lived in the country for years and also had the same kind of neighbors that I really miss here in the city. I still feed the wild birds though to make it feel a little like where I came from. After seeing $20,000/acre some were getting made it comical to see the article with Dogwood thinking they got such a good deal, I knew all along that was not a good deal. Just look at Southern Hills area, didn't they just sign for $20,000/acre? I have been watching the progress of the amounts rise almost daily and I do work with some of those people who felt they had no choice but to sign. That is what gets to me is that you always have a choice even if it is not the one you would like. I sure like your attitude about this you really tell it like it is. I agree with not getting help, maybe if our city got more involved like Shreveport things would be a little different, who knows? Have a good day and keep up the fight.
I think Dogwood could do much better than that. BAFB probably has more wells on it than Elm Grove. The pipe lines are already in place and will just have to added to. All the oilfield traffic goes into the base on the backside, so most people probably don't even know how many wells are out there. You can rest assured the Government will be getting their fair share of the HS. Anyone near the base should be smiling and waiting. Thats just my take on it.
Take a drive down Sligo Road in your spare time and look at all the existing wells.

That's also where Chesapeake's office is located.



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