A few of you have written of experiences with some excellent local companies on this site. Unfortunately, I didn't make note of that information when I came across it before. If you have time and wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate any information you could provide regarding the names of companies that you or someone you know have had positive experiences working with.

Thanks in advance for your help!! Stay healthy, happy and blessed.

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I enjoy reading your posts and if you would like any other telephone numbers for other companies, just let me know.

I did not lease with XTO but I felt that their landman, Roc Cosper, (361) 935-2806, was the best to deal with. He seemed to follow-up with me more often and never once rushed me, never told me the offer was for one day only and would be withdrawn by 5:00 p.m. that same day, nor did he ever yelled at me. The landmen from other companies did all of those things with me. He seemed more up-front about what he could do and what he could not do. Also, the XTO in-house landmen, (817) 870-2800, in their Houston (?) office called me regularly just to check and see how things were going with Mr. Cosper. Mr. Cosper also was very quick on getting a OGML to me for me to review.

Chesapeake and Petrohawk did offer $2,000 per acre more in a signing bonus and since I have more than one acre, that is why I stopped negotiating with XTO. XTO said their limit at the time was $18,000 per acre.

I can say that XTO seemed to be easier to deal with. My experience with XTO took place in June, July and August of this year, it was not any time recently.
Hello Insomniacinla! Thanks so much for the response. This has been an exciting ride so far...just trying to get prepared for round two! Actually, we've had a little interest the past couple of days..but in no rush. Again, thanks for your help.
Hey GoshDarn: thanks so much for your comments.

I understand if you're hesitant to answer with names...no problem. Please feel free to email; I will keep what you send confidential. Actually, I'm just trying to put together a file containing as much information regarding this shale as possible.

As for your wonderful suggestions: I know which two companies hold the most land in our area and I have heard the going rate for the most recent rash of signing bonuses through the community grapevine. We're not looking to approach anyone at this moment...simply working on gathering as much information as possible so my family can help contribute to our group's decisions when a company finally does decide to show interest again.

PS...As for the flag, it's just being used to show where I live (ie. the "land of the rising sun"...and by the way, it isn't even the national Japanese flag). Most importantly, it does not represent the country I show unwavering allegiance to. I am first, and foremost an American citizen. I understand that some may not like anything that represents other countries on this site but I'm going to let it stand. I'm sure many here can simply not comprehend why I have chosen to live abroad; let's just say that it works for me at this particular time in my life! I can respect their choice to not like the fact that 'Japan' is a very important part of who I now am. Anyway, like it or not ya'll...WE ARE NEIGHBORS in this shale!

As I have learned over the years, the area in which I live in Japan was to be the next site of a third nuclear bomb to be dropped in this country (of course, the war ended before that happened), so I'm sure there are probably some Japanese here who hate me for being American. That said, when I think of the way I have been so warmly and openly accepted in my community, even though I am so undoubtedly "foreign," it gives me true hope that people everywhere can be as respectful of those with 'differences'...(or at least fake it with such grace!!). As this current war (and US election) shows, the world as we know it is filled with some very bitter negativeness! I don't mind doing what I can to change some of that for the better from my "post" in Japan. Best wishes to you and yours...
Thanks Goshdarn! Will do...

It's 2:20am here...just finished watching UGLY BETTY. Gots to get some beauty sleep. WIll try to catch up with you tomorrow. Until then...
I personally put XTO at the top of the list as being the best to deal with. And I have long term relationship with them on several deals. Also found Fina excellent to deal with. Another company that I like is Will-Drill, a local company. Coronado, a subsidiary of El Paso, has also been very good.

By the way XTO's office is in Ft. Worth.

I am certain there are many other good companies that I have not had ocassion to deal with.
Thanks so much, Mr. Sanders! I appreciate your advice and will look into these companies later this week. Hope all is going well and you are keeping busy in the shale! Best wishes...


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