I would appreciate an answer to this...If you have leased your land ,when they do decide to drill, are you in a 640 unit with other sections or does your unit comprise of just your section..don't quite understand how all this works....we leased our land together with several others, but not all the same section....our land butts up to an entirely different section....Thanks

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KB..It was my understanding that we leased as a group, several different sections included in said group...if they drill on any of those sections, does it affect our lease..Thanks
We do have the pugh clause..thanks
Is there a way to ban people like Ashleeeee from this site? Name calling and personal punches are such a waste of time. Stick to the issues and if you don't like it carry your "you know what". There are other people who do not want to scroll through pages of this type of crap to get to things that matter.
Oh I forgot- "I approve this message"
some people are just a squirell in the world,trying to get a nut.
I am just reading this so I have no idea what was deleted and insulting but I'll take a shot at this anyway. I assume you are part of a 640 acre section and I don't know what you have signed but here is some information to think about. The state has recently approved the combining of some sections to create mega drilling units of 920 acres which is not necessary for complete drainage of Haynesville Shale gas. (You should receive a letter if this has been requested) When these larger units are created at the request of the oil companies and granted by the Commissioner, it dilutes the landowner's interest, makes it difficult to lease because many more people are involved, and presents other problems. The point here is this...why are these requests being made to the commissioner by oil companies? It is certainly not for your benefit. Contact an attorney or read up and get the facts if you get one of these letters. You can look up the State Dept. Of Conservation and see applications and hearings scheduled for such requests.


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