I've seen on on other threads here where they were talking about "$200 a rod". But can't find it now. I'm talking about the the line from the well. Is there a better way (More $$$'s) to negotiate these things? Thanks.

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Have you seen the icon on here with two businessmen shaking hands while they are each holding a baseball bat in the other hand.
I guess this is the kind of handshake they are talking about.
Pipeline prices are different from the prices for leasing your minerals. And to your comment about the oil company ripping you off - The average $/acre was $150 for the longest time. The $200 was what the value of your minerals at the time. This is a new discovery and is very unpredictable. But since the oil companies realized the potential of these deeper wells, they are starting to pay more money. But things can change fast, once they hit the first dry hole, prices can slow dramatically.
So, if I am to understand you right. Since it is an unpredictable discovery and the stock prices for all the players in this play are going through the roof. I should do my good deed and just let them have the road r/w for 1/8th of what the going rate is.
I didn't have any hard feelings on the $200 per acre. After all they went after the best stuff first. So I must have some good property. But come on. They could at least throw me a bone and offer me what the going rate is. Is that asking for too much?
And in case you missed the point, they want this road to get to someone elses property and drill a well in their section.
Why not just build the road on their section?
Too much timber to cut there.
Oops, it might cost them to pay for timber.


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