Anyone living in this Subd feel free to post with any questions or information you might have. Hopefully we can help each other.

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Thank you sesport person, I agree. The original design was to join HOA's, but then others said can't we pick up the individual homeowners in our area under our HOA umbrella, talked about a web site with forms, etc. The hard part is getting people not to panic and sign leases before the SCC can get more information out. 'Ol Randy out there is gaining ground on us!
Renee - there's a new person who just posted (as GFD) under the old topic "SE S'port start a group?" This person said he's/she's not in a subdivision, but has land in the SE S'port area. I referred him to jmac or you. SCC needs all the acreage it can get. Keep an eye out for a comment or post.
Potluck at Barbara's house Sat Aug 2 at 6:45 P.M. All Southwood Terrace Subd neighbors invited. Barb’s house 11119 Woodmere Drive
Hi neighbors. Southwood Terrace Subdivision Coalition (STSC) has been formed. Kevin James, my husband Scott, and myself will be responsible for organizing our group. You can direct any questions or comments to
I hope to see everyone Saturday and give an update on everything we have been working on so far!

hi all,
We are in the 1st & early stages of this process. Currently, we have been walking our neighborhood so that everyone can sign in as a group. This will allow us to capture everyone's info for the O&G companies research & negotiations. So if you see me walking or an "intent" form in your mailbox, that is what it is about. The sooner we get this from everyone, sooner we can start on the second stage. We can use help if u have contact info of rent house owners (send to That is all for now. God bless

Kevin, John from across the street here. If you need to find owners of rental units, this site will help you along.

As far as what properties are currently rented, I have no clue there.
great, thanks john for posting that site.
Hey Kevin im Larry in 11129 woodmere just wanted to let you know i filled out the form and will get it to either you or Scott sat afternoon thanks.

Any updates? Anything else we can do?
Hi neighbors,

Twin Cities contacted Kevin this week. They represent Chesapeake. They told Kevin they had no interest in our neighborhood since most of the section is already under lease.

Apparently Pinnacle has leases on several properties in our subdivision that were singed in the 80's. The lots with a lease on them are lots 4-7, 12, 14-36, 38-44, 60, 62-72, 83-93, 95-103.

You should be able to get a copy of the lease agreement thru the courthouse. Sonris shows that the well that holds the leases valid went 5 years without production. It is possible that the leases could be broken if anyone is able to find a loophole in it regarding the production.

Also, if you take proper documentation to Pinnacle if you own your mineral rights they can change the lease to put your name on it so that you would receive future royalties. I'm not sure what Pinnacle would need, you would have to contact them if you are interested.

At this time Kevin and I feel that STSC has hit a dead end. Unless someone is able to prove the leases are not valid we feel it is not likely any of the other companies will have any interest either. It is possible that the lots that don't have a lease on them could be contacted in the future. But it would probably won't happen until they begin drilling in are area.



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