How much does the ArklaTex stand to lose in taxes if Obama wins?

My guess is if income tax rates are increased to the amount stated under his plan, that billions more in taxes on royalties and lease bonuses in the ArkLaTex will be sent to the government. Even a 10 acre landowner who gets a nice leasing bonus is gonna get nailed for being one of the "evil" rich people making more than 250k per year in household income.

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this is not a political site
if you think oil is not political and religious you obviously have been living in a vacuum for the best century.
Oil is political, of course; it's about money. But religious? I know you reactionary idiots believe everything in the Bible is literally true, but where exactly in the Bible does Jesus consult with a landman? By the way, you Creationism fools believe the earth was created 6,000 years ago. Therefore dead dinosaurs never turned into oil and gas. So where does the shale come from? Oh, I know, 6,000 years ago, God (the Christian one) created the universe and put a little patch of greasy rock under NW Louisiana.
You are very offensive. Why should we be tolerant of your views when you are so put off by ours. Jesus said not to suffer fools lightly. He must have had you in mind when he said that!
First, it wasn't Jesus, it was Paul who said it. II Corinthians 11:19. Second, it wasn't suffer fools lightly, it was suffer fools gladly. And Paul was talking about fools like you. I'm not put off by your views, I am greatly entertained by them.
deb I agree with your last statement with the exception of attacking one you are wrong with regards to jesus consulting with a landman...the landman was Satan. At the Garden of Gesthemane, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms, land and riches of the world. Jesus simply said, "get thee away from me , Satan." and Satan fled....I could go on as when Jesus promised all who believ in his glory the streets paved with gold
Your punctuation is so bad it is hard to understand exactly what you mean. Again, to get the quote right: Jesus is reported to have said, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Your argument is interesting. Satan was a landman. And oil and gas leases are the riches of the world belonging to Satan. I suppose this means you will be telling all the landmen to get away from your door? Also, Jesus never said anything about promising his followers gold paved streets. He would have been outraged if anybody suggested he had. He did say that if you wanted to go to heaven you first had to sell your possessions and give the money to the poor. And he said it was harder for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. So when are you going to give your oil shale wealth to the poor? Oh, sorry, that would be socialism, or worse, Christian.
Jesus never made a prerequisite of selling all that you have and giving it to the poor as the only means of going to heaven..may of remind you of John 3:16...sorry about punctuation, a little bit of stupidity goes a long way. And you are is harder (not impossible) for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God...mainly as a rich man may put his faith in materialism and not his faith in God as being the tru grace. As for me...God wants me to enjoy my shale and money that he is sending my way. Are you implying that Christianity is worse than Socialism? Is that your belief? that is fine..I just opine differently
What bible are you reading from? For the life of me I cannot find one verse that says oil and gas leases belong to satan. Nor can find one fverse that says Jesus has not promised me a mansion and a street of gold. And actually Jesus did say "get thee away Satan" but we have transcribed it to be as you state it. And in reality, we have no clue what was really said as Jesus was by himself ..alone..with satan.
Natch, apparently you can reply to me, but I can't reply to you. Wasn't it you who said that Satan was a landman? Jesus was pretty specific about giving your wealth to the poor: "Jesus said to him, 'If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.'" Did you really mean to say that if you can't find in the Bible where it says Jesus promised you gold paved streets, then that means he did say it? I'm sure the Great Landman in Hell is pleased with your interpretation of what your worldly riches mean.
"My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philipians 4 6-7

I thank God every day for the Haynesville Shale and the if he will send those Chesapeeke rigs a little close to Goldonna I will tithe just right
you missed Galatians 1:15..remember I told you there are several interpretations due to who authored the particular passage and the translation you are using.

Jesus chose to teach in of the reasons I suppose is that man thinks in earthly terms and he wanted us to realize that spiritually we need to accept grace as not being of earthly made. I did not say I donot take the bible literally...I realize that the true meaning may take a little logic and understanding what Jesus was conveying.

I won't dignify the Karl Rove remark with a response as your statement is non-sense.

Listen the remarkable thing about Jesus Christ is that he gave us freewill to choose..if you refuse Jesus so beit...that is your right

I accept Jesus as my savior...what a smile I have on my face right now...listen no one disputes that Jesus Christ existed, no one disputes that he was crucified, no one disputes that his body was gone from the tomb with only the linen left behind (which thieves would have taken) while two roman guards remained on alert outside..subject to death if they failed in their duties, his body has never been found, over 2000 years ago his message and followers are still alive and growing....and he is the only one that said I am the Father....contrary to Confucius, Buddah and Allah who claim to be prophets only. The evidence is quite remarkable as at the time of his death only 11 apostles were left and 10 of them fled at the time of the crucifixon out of fear...Peter denounced him 2xs. But yet his message has flourished for over 2000 years...why?

Going to bed way past my bedtime..and Deb I am not prepared to argue the bible or Jesus with you... heck, Jesus did not even defend himself at trial in front of Pilate...nor do I condemn anyone for not believing...freewill is a grace...goodnight all and the peace of God be with us all, children, friends and enemies alike.



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