Rumor has it that they are supposed to be drilling in Greenwood area by Feb. 09.....anyone else heard this ?

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I am in Section 31 we are off Shirley Frances Road near Kimberly.
Get on Kimberly from Shirley Francis go 1/4 mile & look to the left [west] you can't miss it......if you go before I do post the info & maybe save me a trip. Would advise you to use a truck or ATV as the road is very dusty & the dryness has made the powdery dust a bit diff. for an auto
I went to the area off of Kimberly today at 3:00 P:M & saw the site you mentioned but was in my car & road looked a bit testy for a car....will go back in my truck & see where it leads....I did see 2 flat bed trailers like the type used by logging could be they are going to cut timber in there....although the price of wood is rock bottom at this time so maybe it is a drilling company....will investigate a bit further.
Does anyone know if the drilling is complete in Pine Orchard? It's near Keithville but it is considered Greenwood.
Do not know about this one....however Chesapeake is currently laying out 2 drill sites on Simpson Rd. across from where Brossette dead-ends into simpson. One well is in sect, 7 & the other is in sect.6 they are spaced about 100 yds apart & 1 road will serve both sites I have seen the layout & talked to a crew doing the surveying. There is also a new pipe line being layed parallel to Simpson about 1/4 mile east of the 2 new drill sites ....the survey crew told me it was a " trunk-line"



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