If you have phone numbers for the different companies that are interested in leasing land in the play, could you please post them for the rest of us? You can find a few of them if you search all of the forums but it would be very helpful to have them in one place. Thanks in advance for your help. I am primarily interested in Shell and Encana but I am sure there are other people who would like to see the other companies numbers listed as well.

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Clayton Petroleum represents Chesapeake for area outside of Shreveport I believe 337-989-0066
twin city development /chesapeak 318 470 7340 petrohawk 318 987 7560 the only number i have for encana i retrieved from thier web site richard gallegos 1-720-876-5865 good luck getting a return call i have had no success p.s. just remember you will get the best price if you band together with your neighbors
The guy who called me was Matthew Motty from Layfeyette for EnCana his cell number is 1-337-349-4109.
thanks for the info. does anyone have the numbers for questar,xto,shell,cubis,etc.
Here is a toll-free number for Encana: 1-866-917-3700. If you call during business hours, you will get to speak to someone, you won't get a recording.
Does anyone have any other names for contact info? I was looking for a contact info for Goodrich and other large companies. Any help would be appreciated.
We are out of state and are working with a couple companies but since we are not in state I think we are not getting as much traffic.


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