I think it would be a good idea to compile a list in a single thread of those groups and individuals that might not be 100% solid.

Please start each post with the name of the entity or individual.

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Cathaus, I heard that you don't know anything about oil and gas is that true. I also heard that you are trying to get together alot of landowners together to make a deal is that true?
Stacey, I never professed to know anything about this business. Just like 99%of the people on this blog, I am learning as I go. Yes, I am in a coalition of others to lease our land. We have more than 200 acres available when and if the leasing starts up again. If you meant to insult me, you failed.
Hey Earl,
Cathaus is a little nicer than me.
Hey Earl,
Don't worry Earl, you are one of the few that still has credibility on here.
KB, exposed me along time ago I knew to stay away from her post.
KB, I could speculate all day long on who this troll may be! In any case, I do appreciate all of you coming to my defense. There are many Stacey Smith's in this world and none of them can affect how or what I do. They just don't matter in the larger scheme of things. If you ignore a pest or a bully long enough, they will find another victim.
Landmen/Landsharks were once a dime a dozen. Now you get a 24 pack of them still get change back!!
We don't mind picking on you Cathaus. We just don't like anybody else picking on you.
I give all of you permission to pick on me all you want. When you are picking on me, you are letting someone else alone!
I just wanted to know Thanks,
Hi Cathaus,
Your to nice to pick on what's a man to do.
Gotcha Dorcheated! I didn't get this old and ugly not to know when to choose my battles.
Stacey Smith,

What is the purpose of your post? What are you trying to accomplish? Please do not start insulting the members of this website and start trash-talking. There is no reason whatsoever for your comment.


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