calculator, does this seem right or am I overlooking something

Natural Gas Royalty Calculator

You have specified 1 acres included in the pool containing 640 acres

The calculations below are based on a royalty offer of .25% and a price of $8.00 per Mcf on a wellhead producing 4 MMcf per day.

Total Daily Wellhead Value: $32,000.00
Your Share of the pool is 0.00156
Daily Income From This Well: $12.50
Weekly Income From This Well: $87.50
Monthly Income From This Well: $367.50
1st Year Income From This Well: $4,550.00

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I think now I need to get serious about this and try to get my lease signed. I'm having problems getting the landman I started dealing with to get the paper work done. If I knew of some others I would shop around some but none I've talked to say they are leasing in my area yet. I'm in Sabine Parish on why 120 about 4 miles east of Belmont.

I don't mind making a couple of hundred thousand a year for 5 or 6 years. If I can get hooked up with the right landman.
I am a landman but, like so many others, have not been leasing in this area. I could do some checking for you but I am not sure that promoting my personal business is an appropriate thing to do based on the purpose of this website.



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