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$$$$$ Your Area & Your Lease offers As of July 14th $$$$$$ moving froward

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Held by production? You mean already leased? Why would it be hard to drill.Hear they can go out to 4000ft. Lots of open land around greenwood.
Yep Your right. I do hope they can find a drilling sight. There are some areas that would give an oil company access.They will get it if they can for sure. You really seem to know your stuff. Appreciate your inputs.
george were is your land in natchitoches parish
im in the 12 12 6 range
(Goldonna area)
uncle said there is alot of activity around (seismic wise)
XTO offering $15,000/acre and 25% royalty.
Where are you located?? And how many acres?
200 acre in Keithville
WOW 200 acre!! Best of luck.Now thats some good math.
Where is the land located XTO is leasing for that amount ?
What is the going rate for Haughton Area ??
We will in Haughton on Wafer Road and just got a Chesepeake letter yesterday. We have not responded back yet.
Does anyone have any leasing information on Section 23 in Red River Parish? We have 60 acres in Township 14N, Range 9W. I am interested in the lease price per acre in this area.
HAUGHTON,,,,My neighbor sold his 25 acres in Haughton for 4,000 per acre +0.25 royalty, he did it all himself and he said he went with the second compnay who contacted him, Chesepeake. I think he should have held out for more.
Has anyone received an offer over $13,000 an acre and 1/4 royalties? This is the last offer we received



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