Notice I said associations not "coalition" I've been in contact with a lot of local neighborhood assocs.
all preacching the same thing..."power in numbers"

why haven't they formed a coalition? they must be close to each other [if not over-lapping] because I have been in contact with each one of them. I'm pretty sure ther are more groups that I havent been in contact with.
but the following groups I have:

North Shreve Landowners
North Highland
Sport-Blanchard Homeowners
North Lakewood Estates
Poleman Rd-Hwy 71
North Park Estates

talking about people need to join together....
Associations need to join together also

P O W E R in Numbers !!!

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Give us time Ray. We are all in this together. Coalitions could certainly be formed but it will take time and patience. We have plenty of both!
Good point ! Divide and conquer.That is their first rule of business! We have been screaming that same point for 3 months! Swamo has attempted to join our whole parish together along with any remaining areas within our reach. People are so concerned that some areas will be treated differently then others within your group. This will happen if you let it. They are doing it every day with people that live across the road from each other so why wouldn't they try it on folks one section over ? Does the shale stop right there across the road ? It has to stop somewhere eventually but not in the middle of the street in the heart of this play, that may go to Mississippi before its all over with.

When they come with the separate offers tell them to take a hike , if you've got the guts . That is exactly what it takes to get paid. You spend all that time on the net to learn about the Barnett yet you have learned absolutely nothing at all. You read and read , stay up late every night studying this and that , while you might as well be in bed getting a good night sleep because you are doing absolutely nothing that will benefit you in the long run if you do not adhere to the basic principles that sustained the groups on the Barnett. Those people didn't have a Barnett Shale play to learn from. They were the Barnett Shale. They had to play it by ear. The bigwigs have admitted this play is at least 5X bigger then the Barnett yet very few have gotten the same numbers that even they got on the Barnett. Where is the victory in that. You still got screwed , just not as bad as your neighbors did a week or two earlier.

If you don't feel a true concern for people outside of your neighborhood then stick with your own road because you will not benefit them in the least. As soon as they (O&G) come to cut the legs out from them under them you will simply step aside and let that happen , just as long as things are going well for your street of course. Being a large group makes it easier for O&G's to do their job. The "sheeple" are easier too round up that way. Sorry for stealing your word Earl but I told you I would be using it . HA! HA! If you can't use the size of your group to benefit the whole group and not just part of it , then you serve no purpose other than selfserving.

Sorry to rant and rave. I have been trying to cut back some.Just tired of people getting mowed over even after all that we are trying to do for them.You can lead a horse to water..........
I might have to become "Kassi" of North Caddo Parish. I had some encouraging events happen tonite.
Went to a meeting last nite at Trinity Baptist Church,there were about 800 people present. seems like a coaliton of three groups:finally a come together
but soon as the meeting started, they broke the group back down to different associations.
seems as though the North Highland Assoc. has a begining offer of $12,500 / 25% on the table. they will hold a meeting
Thrus. nite.
People in T19 R14 was to stick around...everybody else,thanks for coming....we had the numbers, but not the power
I just read the contract for the Landowners Shale Assoc.
they want a fee, % of bonus, & % of royalty.

someone pls let me know why anybody would agree to these terms..
Several thousand doesn't come close to largest acreage group . If there are that many people still willing to give up the goods royalty % wise ,for the life of these wells,then that is almost obscene!
The primary problem with joining associations into a coalition is politics and too many chiefs. It is a lot of work to hold a larg group together. A lot of people want a say but not a lot of people want to do the work. Then there is the matter of competing agendas. One neighborhood in town may be worried about preserving the historic nature of the neighborhood, a more rural neighborhood may be more worried about preserving safe drinking water. Then there is the issue of agreeing on terms and who will negotiate, etc. I am blessed that our group has stayed so strongly together but I have watched one group desinigrate because of differences of oppinion, some folks wanting to hold out for more money when they were presented with a pretty good deal, others wanting to bring in some attorney who wants to charge 5% of the signing bonus but promises to get them a lot more money, others more worried about their environment than the money.
It takes a lot of time, energy and caring to hold a large group together especially when you have land men trying to divide and conquer on top of all the other dynamics. When people reach the point of putting ego aside and brushing the dollor signs out of their eyes long enough to look at the whole picture and have a balanced view, then a coalition will be successful.
thanks for the insights.
Hey Kassi , Hope all is well. If a true coalition was easy to pull off, then everybody would be doing it.Some are only looking out for themselves from a financial standpoint while others may be looking for the prestege. Neither of which are traits that will be conducive to a coalition of anything.Only after this is all said and done will we be able to look back and judge true efforts and character.Then and only then will our efforts be fully understood. I wish you continued success !
A coalition might be a good idea---if only we could find out easier who's leasing whose would be time consuming....I'm in the wait & hear "assn." Who is point person for Poleman RD---Hwy 71?
Diane Hendricks can be reached for information on the North Highlands Association. 221-5499
Thk you Cat but Ray listed a separate Poleman Rd-Hwy 71...last contact I had with No. Highlands years ago they wanted us to donate some land....
Tiger Cd3,
Jane should be able to steer you in the right direction

Jane (Teer) johnson....318-227-2011



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