Have the O & G companies made it to the south side of Caddo Lake yet...like the Sundown Drive area?

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I heard of letters being sent out around and in the area behind the park in Moringsport..( is that Caddo Lease Rd?) Never heard the offers or who it was with.
i live on caddo lease rd and havent received any offers however I can verify that some homes on Elgin st. in the middle of mooringsport were approached.
Thanks for the info, Mark. Keep us posted.
I've got a piece land off Caddo Lease Road as well, but it's undivided property between 3 family members. I've read in different postings here and there that the shale thickness drops dramatically at the north part of T-19 and south of T-20. I've sort of considered myself out of the loop, but can't find any confirmation of that. If anyone hears about T-20 R-16, please post here and let me know. Thanks for the help.
fishnut- dont give up hope yet, if the 3 wells that are close to our area hit big ( and one already has , then you could very possibley be in the play- what section are you in?
Thanks for the inspiration! :) I'll continue to keep my eyes and ears open.
fish nut - what section are you in , do you know?
wileyone- what is wrong with you ? first this is not mark, its his girlfriend and I am the one who has been making the post. Second of all I was referring to the wells up on hwy 1, hall number 5 and the one that is going up across the street from number 5, and the new one, on Old Mooringsport rd. which is 1 mile away from us as the crow flies. It is not hard to believe that if these wells hit there is properly gas under our property, whether its the Hanyesville Shale or not, gas is gas ( and take note, I never promised anything or said it was the Hanyesville Shale]. I believe that if they do hit gas that other companies will believe and understand that it is a good idea to lease our land also. I was simply trying to encourage fishnut not to give up, If these wells do hit, and I have been told that the first up already has , and it does have a well head on it , that we stand a chance of the Haynesville Shale coming to our area. Reread my post it says possibly and I didnt even know what section he was in. Stop trying to make something from nothing, you want to nail someone to the ground for giving words of encourgement, is it not funny that the possibley of alittle money make people rude and crazy? Believe what you want , as for me and I hope fishnut , we believe theres a chance!
Hey Mark('s girlfriend),
Found out last night we're in T-20 R-16 S-27. Thanks for looking out for me! :)
fishnut could you email me at pirates197@aol.com
Those are the wells that I am referring to. I have heard from several people about initial production on these wells, but it is strictly hearsay (as is what I heard about Petrohawk's "screened out" well).
not I... I havent heard
I did have a land man tell me last night that they pulled the flow meters of a well on HWY 71but I dont think this is the one MARK is talking about..I didnt know they were even through with it


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