Sorry to beat a dead horse, but could someone tell me if I have the straight dope on the 200% penality. As I understand it, on Aug 15th the new Louisiana law takes effect which increases the non-consenting working partner penality from 100% to 200%. Consenting working partners are not subject to the penality but are responsible for their share of the operating expenses up front. Is this correct. There was some confusion as to whether non-leased landowners would be subject to this 200% penality. Any lawyers out there? Thanks for any clarity on this subject. Jaime T

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You get paid for your share of all oil and gas produced by operator, whether the well ever pays out if you are subject to a lease. If unleased your payments commence when well pays out. I think if you deal with a reputable O&G operator you should have no problem if you are unleased. At least I never have.



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