Who has received a royalty check?
How much was the royalty?
WHat kind of Production (Aprx)?
How many acres?
Any expenses deducted (for those without a no cost royalty)?
Sec., Township and range?


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Thank you Foxie.
Thank you Logger, I don't live locally, but when we come visit, I will check out the entertainment scene.
Guess I will just go off and watch the Haynesville movie trailer again....
foxie, sooo wrong. i love to fish !!!
go fish !!!
King John, couldn't help but notice your beautiful dog. If you are into rescue (as you can imagine I rescue cats), then please check Caddo Parish Shelter (Pound )as this breed of dog is showing up more and more. For anyone else out there who loves animals, please check the pound. Lots of beautiful animals are being killed because no one adopts. Most of these pets who end up at pound are OWNER RELEASED pets who were once indoor pets. Recently a 14 yr. old dog like yours was released at pound. Can anyone imagine leaving their 14 yr. old family pet at a pound with an ok to kill it. Rescue groups will go in & pick up these family pets & pay to board them for awhile while trying to find homes for them, but their money runs out & dog/cat has to go back to pound.
thanks kitttymama, i take care of some animals that were dumped near me. i too have seen an increase in border collies. recently a litter of pups their mama and an older male all were dumped within a few days of each other. all border collies. my cup run'th over and i have no more room for animals at this moment.if i did i would gladly accept the border collies. i can't imagine, border collies normally sell for around $150. oh well, i do what i can and accept what i cannot. thanks again !
It's been said before that the royalty calculators are pretty accurate, at least for the first couple checks. I'd roll with those numbers instead of gettin' in peoples face about it.
Good suggestion.
So, I ask anyone that would like to, may feel free to contact me at my page on GHS and let me know about the royalty you or someone you know has received. The $, the deductions if you know them, the township and range, the acres, the time period covered by check(s). Of course no names are needed.
If you feel comfortable, this can be done here also.
2 examples of income that I know of:
(1)40 ac. in Desoto being paid on market value of gas based on 1st day of the month on 4 month old well. Geology.com on target with $50 per ac. deducted for transportation costs.
(2)16 ac. in Caddo, 6 mo. old well. Income: $1600 mo. & being paid $2.90 cu ft. for gas since June. I didn't ask anymore questions. This family is hiring an attorney as they say they feel they should be getting more monthly
Different gas companies on each of these wells
I am more interested to see what price per mcf people are actually getting compared to the spot prices.

my intent? just nosey.
Sale date - 6/09 - $3.36
Thank you. Better than i expected. What is the area of the well. You may be generic if you like.

Try a little Mississippi Fred McDowell to sooth your soul. " . . . I don't play no rock-an'-roll, jus' straight Mississippi blue . . . "
Mississippi Fred McDowell - almost forgotten among the second generation of bluesmen - but a teacher of RL Burnside.

If you like RL Burnside, then thank Fred.

I haven't listened to him in a long time and will look some of his stuff up - thanks for the tip


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