Some of you will remember this question posed by Rodney King after the riots in Los Angeles. I remember the good ol' days on this site when landmen, O&G pros, geologists, etc. were in it to help the people involved. Now there is a definite division among landowners and O&G. This is causing a lot of friction. There are even racial slurs/cussing/battles everywhere. I'm sick of it. There are even people that need help but they are too afraid to even ask a question because they will be degraded or treated like dirt by someone who knows more than them. I used to tell everyone about this site, now I can only hope that if they visit the site that everyone will behave.

We can do so much with the resources we have here. Can we please get back on track and keep our civility thru this process?

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For what it is worth Snake, you are the poster the child commented on.
Did you really have to go there?
I agree with you very, very much about keeping on focus and to stop the intimidation.

There are those who do not want the free flow of information this site provides to landowners and more especially the ablity to form landowner groups which this site makes possible.

What you see happening is the success of this site and those that would like to disrupt its important work for landowners and NW LA.

Because of this site, landowners are not signing the "standard" o/g lease nor signing for the "that is the best you can get" bonus lease amount or royalty rate. It is getting more difficult to divide and to conquer landowners. So, you find not so happy people because leasing out NW LA is not like shooting fish in a barrel.

We all must continue to keep our answers and comments on the point and focused to help our fellow landowners. Those without an interest to do so will soon be seen for the disrupters they are and drop off the site.
Money is the Root of all Evil !! IMHO :P
I do not know about that but just know that we are spending time on this blog because we are interested in what we could be sitting on. Some of our lives have been loaded with excitement and joy just anticipating more than we have ever dreamed possible to claim. Think of our lives before this? Were our days that bad? Could we not live our days without a royalty or bonus check? I think I can. You know what? If some other jerk comes my way and offers me crap, I will show him the door as before. No back and forth. When they offer me a deal, I will take it to the lawyer and pay him to see if I am okay. Otherwise I am okay. I could care less who says what and what group is right and what some lardbucket expert or O&G Whiz kid says. I will just read and enjoy and be thankful.
Oh , but it already has done us good my friends. I have met so many interesting people and become close with folks I wouldn't have ever had the chance to come across. You can't say that when this is all said and done because it will never be all said and done. This will carry on longer then most of us are alive. I thank each and every person that has been a part of this experience. Yea , even the Ed's have at least given me thought to what I should be thankfull for.
We have actually talked about it prior to the site haveing 50 members. Seems like an eternity ago , all 4 & 1/2 months ago.
You say what a lot of us wish we could say so eloquently.
Sorry I missed your exchange. I bet it was one worth reading.
I have NEVER read anything that you have posted that I didn't enjoy.
Nothing eloquent about that post with Mr. Ed. Sent me back in time to when I didn't really care what people thought or whose feelings I hurt.I still blow a fuse every now and then. I'm just not proud of it like I used to be. Growing older forces you to grow up some as well I guess.

If he had any gumption about himself whatsoever he would be pulling up in my driveway right now.That isn't what this site should be about . Even when evil people try to taunt us into doing stupid mean stuff. Some people are so miserable that they can't even function knowing that everybody else isn't miserable as well.

I can see that your still itching for a fight by your most recent rant. As I posted before, you know my real name and where I live. I haven't anything from you that reveals your real name or where you live. Like I previously said, its easy to hide behind a pseudonym on a website and call everyone out.

What gets me about you is your constant negative posts about oil companies. Are there people out there who will try and take advantage of other people? Sure there is, just like there are used car salesman that will try to take advantage of you. Do I condemn the entire auto industry because of a few shady care salesmen? The answer is no. All you can do is shine the light on these few unscrupulous individuals and make them run to the dark. But don't condemn a whole industry for the actions of a few who are out trying to make a shady buck. Expose these shysters and let the other good people do their work.

in regards to landowners in general, by all means, I encourage all landowners to educate themselves as much as they can about the oil industry. But when I read posts from landowners who are talking about becoming working interest partners, landowners posting about "farming" out their acreage, landowners posting about holding out for 35% royalty, it makes me realize just how many really ignorant people there are out there and just how intoxicated these people are with their potenial new wealth. Most of the people that have your mindset really don't understand the nature of the risk that people like myself undertake when we drill a well. You don't understand the economics involved to make a prospect become reality. Because I take most of the risk, shouldn't I be the one to benefit the most? The oil and gas industry has done a lot of good for many people over the years. As I have stated before, a well is just an idea until its drilled. After it is drilled and tested, only then can a value be put to that asset. However, the value of that asset is a fluctuating value. As you may or may not know, the price of a barrel of oil has gone from a high of $146/bbl to a price of $113/bbl in just 2 weeks!! The same can be said for the price of natural gas over the last few months.

If I can be blunt, the landowner needs the oil comapny a lot more than the oil company needs the landowner. There are not very many landowners who are capable of drilling their own wells. Oil companies are willing to pay a premium to buy leases in a "core" area. Heck, I sure wouldn't want another company trying to capitalize on my idea. I'd try to lock up every acre in my core area that I could so I wouldn't have to share any of the potential profits with another company. That's why you see these companies paying the lease bonus prices that they are now paying. In regards to the landowner, it never hurts to ask for the moon, but don't be shocked if a company declines your counter offer and moves out of the area.

Snakeskin, you talk about all of the billions of dollars that are out there in the Haynesville Shale it is just possible that there might be this much money out there. I've met Aubrey McClendon on a few occassions and he is smooth as butter. Remember though that he has an obligation to his stockholders and it is his job to play cheerleader and to keep the hype up about the potential of the Haynesville Shale. I find it interesting that so many top executives at Chesapeake have recently sold a lot of their Chesapeake stock. Maybe they know something that the general public doesn't know.

I do know that it will be interesting to see what the flow rate of these first wells are 8 months down the road.
Dear , Dear , Ed. I actually deleted the last rant to you because it was ugly and mean.Funny as all get out but mean . Even tho you probably deserved it, it was time too slow it down. My name is Scott "Snake" Stewart. No pseudo whatever you want to call it. I hide behind nothing. If you had read all of my posts , including the Shreveport Times thread , I have given nearly every detail of my life and who and where I am 50 times. I am an easy fellow to find so I really don't think that much about the pseudo thing. I have been known as Snake since the seventh grade and to this day my wife is one of the only people that are close to me that doesn't call me Snake.But thats neither here nor there.

I certainly wasn't trying to call you out as you put it. I was just , and will continue to , throw your crud back at you. It is too late for many of my friends and family that signed early and way too late for you and the rest of the O&G gang when it comes to those of us that are left. The rhetoric will not fly except out of the mouths of those that are slowly but surely loosing their bouts with knowledgable peasants.I dare say that if you are a small independant that you may actually have to seek employment elsewhere because in the end , Big O&G don't give a rip about you either. Even if you have fluffed Uncle MAC's pillow before. How long will it take US stock holders to be looking for a woodshed if Uncle MAC were doing more cheerleading then producing ? With all that extra stock out there he may need to watch his six. Business is business for those clowns too.

Unfortunately you have confussed my rantings into having me be one of those guy's that hate Big O&G. Contraire mofraire. That is directly the opposite. Those guy's are going to change the way I grocery shop , if and when they get right on the deal. Who knows , because we haven't even contacted them yet. Anything worth having is worth waiting on. But you knew that. What we are doing is exactly what you would be doing if you didn't sauna with the big boys.

Please understand that when I say big O&G , the only big O&G that I know anything about are those clowns that pacman gobbled up a lot of our area already. The main thing I have against the companies is their lack of understanding about what they are helping do to our economy. The auto industry can't even give those big rigs away and now all the sudden gas is down $.50 a gallon. Too late ! Bad move. Layoffs abound in the auto industry. This is just the beginning too.The only outlet for their product and they cut the legs right out from under it. Greed is often used on this site toward the mineral owners. These are scraps we fight for compaired to the profits they have made off the backs of people all over this country. The world for that matter.Yet that still wasn't enough. They had to keep pushing the envelope.

You make a few good points in this surprising adaptation to your normal, abnormal way of posting. It is a nice change. Are you running fever or something? Just kiddin' , we are doing so good right now but I couldn't help but take a little shot. Thats what I do.

This is running long but I wanted to try and touch every part of your post. Maybe we can continue at another time.One last thing tho. You state that I needed O&G more then O&G actually needed me.As nice and cuddely as this post has been we will have to part ways here. I was and am doing just fine without my first shale check and will continue to do so. What exactly can O&G do to create gas other than eating a can of pork and beans ? Absolutely nothing. The largest N/G field in the country lies under this area. While you are correct about me not owning a well , neither does CHPK and they seem to be doing alright for themselves as will I. If we don't lease soon , is our gas going to be less valuable in the future? We all know this answer.

I say this in all sincerity , as soon as my deep rights are signed I would

I saw this post after I posted to comment made by DYST. Your response to my post contains a few items that I take issue with but let's just agree to disagree on how we each view things and call a truce.

I do wish you the best of luck in the leasing of your land and any well that might be drilled in association with your lease.

Your pal and buddy,

Ed Hill



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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