A happy day for America A sad Day for Democracy and Capitalism

I know this will probably get deleted and My Profile may also but here you go. Today was a triumph for some and a slap in the face for others. I am so sad that america has chosen this path that are for fathers faught so hard to protect. We have been lied to as american people. Democracy and capitalsim must come to an end. This may not be the end but a chapter in the book of History of this great nation. My Faith is in god, that he will not unleash anything we cant handle. This is the tourning point of what many of us know as normal. America is about to experience change, change that many of us want and many us dont. I dont understand the change, and I think none of us do. There is an empty spot inside of me with today with questions spinning around it. I just dont understand america, I just dont understand. He told you it was about to change, every time you read his name it was "CHANGE". I can promise you one thing, you may not like the change but he was honest, it will change! Yesterday is history as tomorrow is our future and our future will Change. God bless this great country, God Bless Democracy, God Bless Capitalism, God Bless Americam, God bless Barack Hussein Obama, God bless us all.

Bill G

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Point taken and I agree with most. But the R.R. deal was brought to a head over Weaver selling an undercover agent a shot gun illegally.The Branch Davidians were amassing too many firearms, so what does the "C" administration do ? Force them to use those weapons.

You have stated on several occassions that you dont want the Gov in your uter, special place ! I can understand that as far as a fella can understand that but neither do I want them in my Gun Cabinet. I understand and respect your belief in the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding citizens , but the Dems as a group do not feel the same way that you do nor do they legislate that way either. That I believe is one of the main fears that people have when visiting thoughts of the 2nd Amendment. We dont know where they would stop so you just try to keep them from getting started in the first place. Their track record on legislation and poor moves concerning this issue isnt really up for interpretation. I understand there are other issues that make you lean one way or another but this one is at the front for me. Rights of the unborn are another. I feel that these 2 issues are the only main issues that seperate Liberals and Conservatives today. That socialism thing is rapidly moving up the scale but time will tell us one way or another on that one. Have a good one KB. I am off to the Loop hole, I mean Gun show , so have a good one.
Dude came in to the gun show with an Obama shirt on! You coulda heard a pin drop!

This has been good for the gun industry and sellers of their wares. Prices have jumped tremendously. I am not an alarmest by any shape form or fashion, but if you are thinking about purchasing a firearm or ammo, you might want to quit procrastinating! Due to a slack in Soviet shipments, some ammo has doubled in price in the last few months.The people buying at the show had their own bailout program going on.That stuff was flying out of there.
Uuuuuuuuhhhh, 48% of the country voted against "O".But 99.2% of the people at gun shows are spending their hard eaned cash (at extremely blown up costs)out of fear of this Pres/Congress combo and would be accussed of being Right wing psychos by many on that side of the aisle.

I dont think they will go after guns because it cost them the Senate last time out. You still will have the flakes that would get re-elected if they got caught selling spotted owls to a hypoallergenic pillow factory.
I do think that they will make it as difficult as possible for manufacturers to stay in business. Especially ammo makers.

Who knows were all this change is gonna take place. We arent going to know until we see him in action.If he doesnt stand up to Reid & Pelosi its gonna be ugly. Your side's gonna have some difficulties from some of your own.All those promises are fixin to get called.
Hey Snake, I went to a gun show today as a matter of fact. I was talking w/ a friend of mine that owns a local gun shop and let it be known I did vote for Obama/Biden. No perceived hush or silence but I wasn't wearing an "I voted for Obama" shirt. Seems military type rifles ( AR's, AK's, FAL's, SKS's) are the hot sellers. Dealers have lost their minds on prices however! Scare tactics are putting money in some dealers hands. I agree w/ you on Pelosi and Reid. As far as ammo is concerned, I'm O.K. I roll my own and have for years. You should weigh in on Jim Krow's new post BTW.
Hey Cannie ,
You are just down the street from "O" 's house. HA!HA! Little friendlier terrain then our "O" friend in Shreveport, La. Not to say you arent a brave man, but it took cahonies the size of Pittsburgh to wear that shirt to this gun show. A lot of these guys had that deer in the headlights look anyway.

Which post of Krows , "next 4 years " ?
KB, Your Jewish Uncle must be very proud of you. I know this Gentile Grandma is! I think I will adopt you.
The democratic party has had the luxury of Monday morning quarter-backing for the last eight years. Now they are in the game, and have the ball, they should get ready for some hard hitting. If they fumble the ball, 52 million people are going to see it, and remember who did it. The mid term elections are only years away, the presidential campaign was longer than that.
If we let this New System, Idea and plan of Change take one inch of our 2nd Ammendenment they will want a mile. I understan that Assault Rifles are usless, I understand that someone may not need 10,000 Rounds of ammo, but it is our rite and has been for the life of this Nation. It is imparitive that we do not deviate from our constitution one little bit. Once Reid, Pelosi and Obama realize that they can cut one string of our constitution they will began to take hits at it. Next thing you know we will not even be able to have these great debates on websites like this. Please Dem and Rep alike, stand up for our constitution and realize that it is the most important thing in this nation. We CAN NOT let anyone touch it or make a law that changes one thing about it. The Constitution is what holds this nation Together. There is nothing more that this TriFacta (Reid, Pelosi and Obama) Would love to do more than rip apart our constitution. PLEASE PEOPLE STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!! They want stop with an Assault Band, They want stop with Registering all guns, They want stop with ammunition limitations, They want it all. Please Please Stand up to these people, support Your NRA, Support Your Freedom of speech and Talke radio, Support what your Forfather Faught and Bled for. Stand up and fight! Believe me we do not want our Constitution to CHANGE one Bit........
I certainly hope that this is good for America but I am still waiting to see those transcripts from Columbia and Harvard. Did he get into Harvard because of his ability or because of affirmative action? I believe that affirmative action had its day but that it's now time to return to merit based promotion. The Clinton years? What was the tax rate at that time? I look at a president and what he says he will do. Obama has promised to increase taxes on those who drive the economy and create jobs, he promises to increase capital gains tax, he is looking at taking 401k's away from us and putting them in the failed Social Security system, he is in favor of a socialized style medicine, he plans to increase the amount of money that goes into social programs here, and he says he will double the amount of money going to end world poverty. I have not heard anything about ending the bloated welfare system and requiring those receiving assistance to train for work. I have not heard anything about how he plans to improve the economy. The thing that I fear the most is the loss of balance in Congress. We can only hope that he moves to the center and encourages Congress to do the same.
I've been around in this old world for over seven decades now, and have heard a lot of hand wringing and predictions of dire happenings that never to pass. And, at the same time, I've seen changes occur that I, personally, did not like, and hardly anyone else even seemed to notice.

When I was a child, there was lots and lots of room for things that are getting squeezed out of practicality now.
And, once again, I seem to object to things other people seem to enjoy or, at the very least, not even notice.

Living in small towns in North Louisiana, I was allowed to pick up the family .22 rifle and go squirrel hunting by the time I was twelve. There were miles and miles of unposted land all over the place, where I could plink and squirrel hunt and rabbit hunt as much as I liked. It was not just by inborn judgment that I did not fling lead in the direction of a stop sign, someone's house, or some such thing. I had been so thoroughly indoctrinated with advice about such things that it never occurred to me to damage a road sign, or someone's property, or point a gun (loaded or otherwise) in the direction of another person, or leave the rifle around loaded where small children played. Freedom came with understanding of how to handle it responsibly. And it came as a shock to me, the first time I had a city kid come and visit with us, how gun stupid he was. In fact gun stupid is an understatement. His lack of judgment and any sense of responsibility scared hell out of me, and almost got me killed. You see, that was a kid whose parents did not have a gun in the home, and who never had any training on how to use judgment about a gun or anything else that could endanger a human being, or do serious property damage, or kill someone.

Actually, the point I would like to make is that there are, in the U. S. today, thousands and thousands of people for whom it is not safe for them to have a gun in their hands. And I resent the hell out of the fact that, because somebody fell down on the job of PREPARING those people to handle something responsibly, lots of people are using guns unsafely and irresponsibly and, at the very same time, griping about the prospect of anyone's taking their right to have one away.

And it's not just guns I'm wanting to get at here, its lots and lots of things. We have in Washington lots and lots of Congresspeople who obviously have been raised with a philosophy of greed, and a standard of values that holds "winning" up as the standard of "success." Whatever makes a kid "competitive" at any cost... whatever predisposes a kid to get money, and lots of it... whatever makes a kid more likely to grow up famous... or THINK he or she will... is the ideal to be striven for. So what we have in Washington today, in my studied opinion, is a lot of highly competitive, grasping, greedy, opportunists, who totally believe that the reason they have been voted into a seat of opportunity is so that they can feather their nests by selling legislation to the highest bidder -- that highest bidder being whatever lobby offers the most perks, by whatever moneyed interest provides the most money by way of campaign donations, by whatever party leaders offer the most powerful position.

In short, we are living in a time when a philosophy of opportunistic greed, in the guise of "success" is the predominant culture of leadership running the country... and the results are not some kind of Chicken Little doomsday prediction. The results of that error in raising kids with no standards that resolve upon any sense of decency, or responsibility to others, and no conscience about doing whatever is necessary to advance one's own private interests in power and money... are already here, and now.

And, forgive me for saying it -- but it's true -- that, just as there are lots and lots of people who never were trained by their parents to have a reliable moral compass or a conscience that takes into account the safety or success or security of OTHERS, and who, as a result are far, far more dangerous to the present, as well as the future, of the bulk of the people living in the U. S. today. The so-called political leadership in the U. S. today is little more than a veritable COUNTRY CLUB FOR GREEDY POLITICIANS, who are exactly what failed parents raised them up to be.

Might as well get used to it. Government in the U. S. is not FOR sale; it's already sold.

Freedom that is sustainable is freedom in a culture of responsibility for the opportunities of others. Other nations (such as Mexico) that have failed their citizens in every way a government can fail its people, are more than happy to dump their miserable uneducated masses into this country. I don't blame those people, but what quality of life we have here -- and what resources still remain for people who have worked all the years they were able here, and are getting old -- are beginning to be required to have less, in order that those poor, uneducated, cultural failures can come here and be taken under the government's wing. And, it is not the legislators with all their "legal" bribe money and special retirement and medical and other benefits who are "sharing" the nation's resources. it's not the president, nor the Supreme Court, nor the elected officials of the states who must share the resources. It's not the greedy multi-national corporations' principals, nor the
upper ten percent of the wealthy who are having to give up things at the grass roots level. It's not the CEOs who have made sure to funnel millions into the pockets of politicians, and bankrupted people corporations and leaped out with a golden parachute into the cold cruel world of indifferent millionaires who are increasingly being required to give up living space, and resources of this nation...

The people who have been in the seats of power -- elected there by voters who get little more than lip service from every politician when he is RUNNING for office, but which rarely materializes after the election -- are IMMUNE TO THE CONSEQUENCES of their actions, dear friends. And these politicians tend to be, not the individuals best prepared by parents, educators and the social philosophy of "success, as the only MEASURE of success," who also have a fantastic gift of gab, combined with a superb gift of gab, who tend get into office and stay there.

Nothing short of a winning of a war by an enemy nation seems likely to unseat the culture of greed and opportunism that is running this country, it seems to me -- UNLESS enough individual citizens among us become aware that merely voting for a choice between a fox and a wolf is not the solution to the needs of the chickens in the chicken house we call the middle class, or working class. There are legal and ethical and peaceful mechanisms open to the people if we become AWARE of them, and take it upon ourselves to exercise those mechanisms. Recalls, demands for regulatory action where businesses are allowed to abuse the economy or the environment or the rights of citizens... will work, if they are exercised.

No, I do not blame any political party, for the harm that has come to us, and threatens even now to become much worse than it already has. I blame the lack of insistence of the average citizen to pay attention to how many politicians are selling us out, and how some moneyed interests are shaping legislation to the detriment of the people, but to the advantage of themselves and the politicians they remunerate for aiding and abetting them in their abuse.

Are we worried about losing our gun rights? Then we'd better figure out a way to teach gun responsibility to all capable of learning (and lock away the individuals who cannot learn it) or stop trying to save gun rights. Are we worried about losing our hard-earned savings? Then we'd better make the effort necessary to make ourselves aware of what politicians -- at the beck and call of high-paying moneyed interests -- are robbing equity from what used to be mortgages and other kinds of hard backing of the value of negotiable instruments.

Are we worried about losing our freedoms, our life savings, our homes, our right to have a say in what our children will be taught in school? Then we will make ourselves WELL INFORMED on these things, and highly active in preserving them.

The alternative is to sit around and worry, while doing none of the things we still have the power, as the PEOPLE to correct in this nation. And, as far as asking God's help is concerned, it is this old country boy's deep belief that we will keep what we are sufficiently informed to deserve, and sufficiently diligent to put pressure on the self-serving, don't-give-a-damn, politicians and agencies THEY CONTROL to return to governance of and by and for the CITIZENS (and only the legitimate citizens) of the U. S. We have mechanisms with which to resume control by the people. But they accomplish nothing unless they are used wisely and energetically.

But... sorry. Maybe nobody cares enough to do anything more than gripe... and worry... and engage in self-pitty... while the foxes continue to run this U. S. citizen chicken house for us.

Gil L.
Nice post Mr. Gil
I would like to put a few things out there...

Anybody remember 9-11, and its proximity, time-wise, to Bush being sworn in? Eight Months! We were in transition and Clinton had slashed the military and intelligence budgets... and they had been planning this for years!

Anybody remember that Barack Obama was fathered by a muslim and raised by a muslim step-father and his middle name is Hussein?

Anybody remember that Government, in most cases, does not govern the stock market and in turn, the economy (outside of adjusting the interest rate by the Fed)? Or stepping in to throw cash on problems AFTER they happen.

Anybody remember that government moves slower than the adjustments in price for petroleum and NG?

That said...

Anybody remember, despite Clinton being blessed with a good economy, that much of the economic programs that boosted the economy were implemented by Bush (41) and a Republican Cabinet... prior to Clinton's "charismatic" win. Clinton got to ride a success train built for him by Bush.

Anybody remember the dismantling of our military by Clinton, and hobbling of our Intelligence? Which made us blind to the attack on 9-11. Remember that?

Anybody Remember Jimmy Carter?

Anybody remember 1978 when rusting gas and oil transfer pipes were abandoned on the side of I-20???

OK, I am ready to have my pants lit up by the Democrats.



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