A few months back horizontal drilling activities in Amite County screeched to a halt, save the completion of the Anderson 17H and 18H wells.


With the completion of 17H and the pending completion of 18H, signs of activity are appearing.

I predict several wells will be drilling by the end of June.


Let's keep ourselves informed here of drilling activities in Amite County.

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It is a bit of a mystery to me too that mineral owners don't interact more, exchange information and observations. The only other similar site I know of is mineralrightsforum.com and in the MS county groups there is not much participation. I'll bet a lot of folks still don't know about internet sites like this. I found it via google last fall.

Tomorrow I'll call a friend who works at a very popular eatery in SW MS who interacts daily with oilfield workers, see if he's heard anything.

I've observed at least 1-2 dozen oil field trucks (Delaney I think) transporting massive-sized rig equipment turning off 24 West onto Lower C'ville Road.  Is this a mob or demob ??  If mob........where are they headed??  ASH ??


MON (7/9) & TUES (7/10) I might add.

Yes.  They are moving the Trinidad rig from the Joe Lee Jackson site to the Ash site.

I'm assuming the Joe Lee Jackson well will be fracked in a few days.

I'm sure everyone else knows the location of the Ash site, but it would be very helpful if posters here would not assume everyone reading their posts knew everything they knew.  Where is the Ash site?

Check MS Oil and Gas Board permits Jan 2012 for more info, but Ash 31H-1 and Ash 31H-2 permitted in unit 1N2Esect 28,31,40.

Why is it so hard to use road names? EXAMPLE: Joe Jackson is on the Berwick Cassells road appx 2 miles south of Hwy 24.

As for me, I live hundreds of miles away, don't remember that much about any roads in Amite Co other than Hwy 24 and Smithdale Rd.. Since I know TRSection of my property, I can judge proximity by those coordinates. Maybe someone who lives in the area can give you the info you want. If you still don't get satisfaction, there is a great map maker in Natchez called Jordan, Kaiser, Sessions on Lower Woodville Rd who can make you any kind of map you want.

Over the years, I have contacted many newspapers after reading an article, informing them a reader walks away with more questions than BEFORE they read the article.  When writing anything, a person should thoroughly explain the who, what, when, where, why and how about the topic.  Most posters here should heed that advice.  If I posted something, I'd hope to do a much better job of conveying information, but that's just me.

You might think I'm being a wise ass, but you asked for road names.  The Ash site is located on Ash Rd and is near the state line. 

This might help TMS Play Today

Is Ash Road in Amite county?  Thanks for the tip.


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