A few months back horizontal drilling activities in Amite County screeched to a halt, save the completion of the Anderson 17H and 18H wells.


With the completion of 17H and the pending completion of 18H, signs of activity are appearing.

I predict several wells will be drilling by the end of June.


Let's keep ourselves informed here of drilling activities in Amite County.

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Despite ALL those blue areas supposedly representing Encana's lease holdings, NO ONE has even contacted us about our land.  I am headed up to MS on the 28th, guess I'll do some old-fashioned knocking on doors, talking to neighboring landowners, see just who's leased and who's not, since I cannot really tell from looking at these abstract maps.


 You might just call Encana directly and ask if they are interested in leasing your property. They leased a 1200 acre parcel right up to my property line and put in a 6 acre well pad, but, never called me or any of my neighbors, so, I contacted them. Several of my neighbors and I ended up with an Encana lease as a result of that call. It could be as simple as their landman never got to you before they were taken out of the area. I suspect they just ran out of the budgeted amount for leasing in your area at the time or maybe got all the acreage they wanted. You could be lucky they didn't lease you early. Some of the un-leased landowners might be picked up in the future and probably will receive more bonus money, particularly if a good well is drilled anywhere near your property.

LOL, yes,call Encana.   As a business owner of 36 years, I would never DREAM of running a business the way Encana does.  It's almost as bad as calling a government agency, maybe DMV, where customer service is a foreign concept.  That's just too funny, did you ever consider a career in standup comedy?  I hear Comedy Central is interviewing !

You asked a question.  The man gave you a sensible answer. 

Take his advice or don't.  It's your choice. But, to suggest he is being funny is disrespectful on your part.  In my opinion that's not a good way to get people to attempt to help answer your questions.

I was merely pointing out the humor he inadvertently injected into this very boring forum.  Excuse me for trying to use humor to brighten the day.

I recognize the humor in your comment as I am also a cynical comedian by nature. Thank you for recognizing that. However,  it is potentially possible to get a person in Encana 's Land Dept. to talk to you- if you have something "they"  really want and don't mind being frustrated  getting them to recognize it. We were able to get a positive response by pointing out our properties proximity to their well pad. A strategy for presenting our case helped.

You might also write to your Congressman or try fervent prayer - hasn't worked for my desire to win the Powerball.

I failed to mention that the 1st step is to be absolutely sure you have the mineral rights to your property before you pursue direct contact because landmen are trained to skip over those landowners who don't own their mineral rights. LOL

and that is EXACTLY why I am trying to determine just where they are, so I  CAN  relate to them our position in relation to their's. 

Why write my congressman? Obviously, you've never MET my congressman !! 

We have 50% mineral rights, the seller kept the other half.

Another wise fellow poster on here recommended this strategy to me Steve. I had maps prepared, composed letter with description of current land use, etc and did a mailout. Resulted in few responses but one of them was the best offer we have received, so it was worth the effort.
The farther north you are in Amite or adjoining counties, the lower the interest at present, tho Stone Energy has leased into SW Franklin Co.. TMS is present into Adams and Franklin Co on the north, but it is said frackability decreases to the north, so who knows what the final boundaries of the play will be.

our land is appx 7 miles northeast of beautiful downtown Gloster, formerly the home of the Glostonian Motel/truckstop/cafe.  According to the blue lines of a map, we are south of the northern edge of the high resitivity area.

Does anyone know the first days of production for Anderson 17 and Anderson 18?



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