Cubic Reports Haynesville Well Clingman Acres 11 Flowing At 17 MMcf/d
Published Apr 27, 2009

Cubic Energy Inc., Dallas, (NYSE Amex: QBC) reports its Chesapeake-operated Clingman Acres 11H well was tested and is flowing at a rate of 17 million cubic feet per day, on a 24/64-inch choke, with 6,170 pounds of flowing pressure, from the Haynesville shale formation.

A 10-stage fracture stimulation completion technique was performed on this well, which was completed in February; however, pursuant to a confidentiality agreement with Chesapeake, Cubic was precluded from releasing any flow information until a state test had been filed.

Clingman Acres 11H is in Section 11, Township 15 North—Range 15 West in the Caspiana Field in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, which is contiguous to the east side of Cubic's Johnson Branch acreage. Cubic has an estimated 2.8% working interest in the well.

Cubic vice president, E&P, Richard M. Sepulvado says, “The Clingman Acres 11H well confirms the quality of the company's acreage position, which is at the epicenter of the Haynesville shale play. This well further demonstrates the quality of the reserves underlying our acreage. Cubic continues to be excited with respect to its participation as a working interest owner in additional non-operated sections with Chesapeake.”

Cubic has oil and gas assets and activity primarily in Texas and Louisiana.

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