Everything seems to be VERY tight lipped on this well.  Location is very well secured.  Anyone know whats going on?




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Would Leor verify the presence of natural gas in the area before putting in a production string? So does this mean that found what they were looking for?




Good questions. The first answer is I do not know. Having said that, they probably found exactly what is in the Shell well, plus some more pay in a deeper interval. My guess is the Jurassic sands are gas productive, and the Shell logs probably show that. The question is "what flow rate can be achieved and what are the ultimate reserves”. This is a big question, as this well probably cost around 13 million dollars, and with depressed gas prices, they need to make a very strong well to be economic. The productivity of this well may depend on how it responds to fracking. The only way to determine this is to frack it and sees what happens, notwithstanding all of the pie in the sky pre frack models. It will be months before we know this, but you can be fairly certain they found gas productive sands. I am optimistic, as Leor has been down this path before and they know what they are doing.

Bosco, do you think it's possible that EnCana may be involved with Leor in this well?  They seem to have a bit of history together in the Amoruso field (see below) and I know EnCana has had some acreage in Angelina County since before we learned of the Haynesville. 

'Leor and EnCana have incorporated significant changes in well drilling and completion techniques over the past year, leading to the significant success of three recently completed wells, which tested at 32 MMcf/d, 19 MMcf/d, and 15 MMcf/d, respectively. The well that tested at 32 MMcf/d is currently producing from a single zone in the lower Bossier formation. Leor believes this well to be among the most prolific onshore wells producing from a single zone in North America.


The Angelina county records showed Leor/Encana in Joint Development agreement filed in January of 2007.


then show a certificate of merger:

Number File Date Type Desc. Inst. Date # Pgs. Book/Vol/Page Town Consideration
249665 10/31/2008 C C CERTIF OF MERGER 09/23/2008 3   00000/0 Not Applicable 0.00
No Indexed Property for this Instrument Number

Had a contact tell me a bit about the Encana wells that were drilled then plugged back.  It seems they unexpectedly hit either a layer of salt or salt water and that the mud program they were using couldn't handle it.  Hope someone wiht a geology background will comment, but my general understanind is that once you know its there, you can design a mud system to compensate.  Rumor has it that certain Haynesville wells in Nacitoches Parish have encountered the same thing....

Good point Jffree....I do think it is highly possible but I have no direct knowledge of a relationship. Encana did purchase the huge Robertson Co. from Leor and I suspect they may be lurking in the shadows on this deal. I certaily hope they are because Encana can get the job done and there is a lot of acreage to be leased and a lot of drilling to do.


Please post any rumors or bits of info on this well!!!

I know an Australian drilling company named AJ Lucas is involved somehow and stand to receive 10% of net profits from the well. They refer to the area as the "Monument Prospect" of East Texas.

Thanks Drew,


I will google them.

Bosco, all


I know that there was/is extensive timber company holdings in the area.  I think primarily Temple Inland, but also possibly some St.Regis/Champion/Abitibi.  I would guess that in portions of the county, something like Encana with Blackstone might be possible.  Also, you have Federal minerals associated with the USFS property that might be a clue as to who is involved in the area.


Congratulations guys,  Encana drilled two test wells north of this in Houston County about three years ago but I am not at liberty to say what happened.  I think it was Chevron that also tried a few deep test wells east of Hwy 69 years ago.  One was the Ryan #1 which is now a SWDW.  A lot of people have always thought the deep Bossier trend ran in an easterly direction.

Let me help you Robby.  One well was shut in and never completed by EnCana, the second had a deep completion attempted and it was eventually abandoned.  Katey Resources or Sun River completed both wells (2009) in the Travis Peak with modest results.  All I can say is that I hope they got lots of good science out of those two holes because they didn't get any gas.

There was a third well permitted that apparently was not drilled.

225-31088, SGG Unit #1, Wm. Davis Survey, A-28, depth drilled – 19,390’

Un-perfed completion, shut-in pending evaluation, Bossier @ 16,470’ :


Katy Resources, Travis Peak Completion (2009):


225-31092, Temple #1, J. Patton Jr. Survey, A-15, depth drilled – 19,449’

Katy Resources, unsuccessful completion, 12-2007, T.A.:


Sun River Operating, Travis Peak completion:


225-31107, Davy Crockett “A” #3, J. Strode Survey, A-81, no completion data found.

Let me help you jffree.  Katy Resources bought the two wells after completion. Katy Resources did purchase the ROW for the SGG #1.


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