Brad Pitt is 'willing to look at the death penalty' in bizarre rant against BP

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He is against the Death Penalty for criminals, rapists and nurderers.

He is all for using the death penalty on oil & gas drillers.

What credentials does he have except memorizing his lines and not "flubbing" them? (How brave and important he is). Or is it because he is a rabid enviornmentalist?

This smacks of the Chinese system where they shoot people for economical crimes. There are no years of appeals in China. Once a man is found guilty, he are taken out back and shot at once. They used to charge the dead man's family for the cost of the bullet-usually 25 cents.
I don't think they still charge for the bullet, China is now "warm and fuzzy" and our buddy.

I think Pitt's films and TV appearances should be boycotted.
Wouldn't the country be a whole lot better if Hollywood celebrities ran it?

Clean renewable energy would be plentiful and cheap, if not free.

Health care would be free to all.

Nobody but the rich would pay taxes.

Everyone except the rich would get higher pay. Nobody would be poor. Everyone would have lifetime employment without having to work hard or being exploited by their bosses.

We'd use electric vehicles to get everywhere on the rare occasions we don't bicycle or walk. Except for Hollywood celebrities in their stretch limos, of course.

Most of the farmland would be allowed to go back to forest that will never be cut down. Strangely enough, there will be plentiful food and no housing shortage.

Jails will be emptied and the crime rate will go down.

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
" I see skies of bluuue, clouds of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night, and I think to myself what a wonderful world".
He is a typical entertainer who can't see past the fakeness of hollywood. And when I see some of his movies I believe even more in the death penalty.



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