Brown dense......leasing activity Union County,Union Parish.....EOG


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This is a post being sent to anyone having info on a shale fprmation called brown dense. There is a company called PINE bELT WHO IS RUMORED TO BE LEASING
several 300 to 400,000 acres in two counties in Ark. and one ....Union Parish ,La.
Is anyone selling leases?? If so ,what is the going rate?
EOG is spin-off to the old Enron company.
This lease asctivity seems to on a hush-hush basis.
Does anyone think this might be as big as any of the other shale plays? Jim B.

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Its nothing like the HA. the perm and pors. are very low. Its a play on faulting within the Brown Dense. EOG drilled a well already, permitted as a horz, drilled as a vert. They set stainless pipe. and then tried to frac, but it wouldn't frac.

Now it seems that EOG is folowing the stateline fault east.
JT......any relatiom to Tommy Green in the El Dorado area. These lease brokers are Pine Belt,out
of Mobile, Ala.......rumored to be buying for EOG.
I sold lease to Sklar out of Shreveport on 240 acres in Union I authorized them to
conduct seismic operations. This is supposed to be a Smackover play..oil.
It is oil.
J.T, you were right the first time. It would be "are more informed than I (am informed)".

The Smackover formation extends from Mexico to Alabama and Florida. The Brown Dense is the basal part of Smackover and should be found wherever the Smackover is found.. This does not mean that suitable structure for entrapment of oil and or/gas exist everywhere. The Brown Dense is source rock for oil and gas in strata which overlie it. Oil and gas has migrated upward until it encounters geologic structure that causes it to be trapped. Many strata which overlie the Brown Dense contain hydrocarbons derived from BD. I believe the Brown Dense will be very productive along stateline trend once the major companies figure out how to best produce it. I have little doubt that the main component will be horizontal drilling.

Geology of the Smackover Formation is complex and extrmely variable. With the advance of technology the Smackover will continue to be developed. 3-D seismic surveys, horizontal drilling, and better frac procedures should ensure that this be true.
All depends on location, as shallow as 7000 as you go farther into Arkansas, very deep as you go south into louisiana, most of the Smackover wells in the productive stateline area are about 10500ft.
Check out well #74305 for an excellent stateline Smackover vertical completion. Sonris only shows production data from 77 onwards, completed in 59, probably avereage 20000bls a month from 59-79.
you won't see any difference on Sonris, but the brown dense has not been historically productive. Its what you would call a dry hole.
Good point Baron, I believe the prolific stateline trend has almost always been limestones. It's going to take alot of testing and results for me to get excited over this prospect.
The trouble with the brown dense has always been that the rock is hard...very hard

It was my understanding that EOG was looking for a play that would take advantage of the natural faults..

The well they drilled in Miller, would not frac. not even in the slightest. What makes the HA shale work is the ability to take a rock with low perm break it to pieces. If you can't frac the brown dense, then it doesn't really matter how much oil/gas is in the rock. I am not saying its impossible, there may be other technologies out there, or some yet to be developed, but until I see some data I will be sceptical.
PineBelt is leasing in northeastern Claiborne Parish. Mostly north of Alt2 to Arkansas line.
What is sour gas ? And what levels would be considered high ?



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