I was wondering if anyone has been contacted concerning this well. I'm trying to figure out what I can expect next and in what kind of timeframe.

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Thank you Tootie Fruitie!

I thank you, too.  The second well was actually uncapped three days ago.  Info from XTO.

We should all soon be receiving Division Orders on second Keydets well as they will be underway drilling in approx. one month (also info from  XTO).

Looks like we might have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Keydets folks!


Thank you!   Fruitie Tootie!!  :-)

I was just wondering why I didn't get anything for the gas that was sold in July.  It should have been enough to meet there minimum $100 for them to cut a check.

Sometimes there is a longer delay for operator to get gas revenues vs oil revenues.

Yeah, that's why there has always been a two month difference between the production report and the royalty check.

XTO told me they pay royalties every third month. 


I've been getting mine every month.  Except when they stopped production for whatever reason.

Operators have payment policies regarding minimum monthly amounts.  If for example it is $100 then someone with a small interest may get a check every three months while someone with a larger interest may get a check every month.  A small interest in an older well with minimal production might get one check a year.  Just ask your operator what their policy is.

I know it's $100 with XTO.  I also know that the reported production for July easily beat that

XTO just uncapped Keydets last week.  It has been capped because they were drilling another well on the same platform.

It is common practice to shut in adjacent wells prior to fracture stimulation. Communication between wells can cause problems. There are numerous instances of frac hits on nearby wells in Texas and Oklahoma. Operating companies have come up with creative drilling and completion designs to protect "parent" wells from the adverse effect of "child" wells.


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