Hearing reports that chesapeake leasing is picking up around Converse? Any body else hearing this?

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Thanks. Leasing by Chesapeake in southern Sabine would indeed be significant.

What appears to be the key to this renewed activity this far south? Is there a recent successful HS well in ETX or Southern Desoto, the Mid-Bossier Play extending from ETX, or both? Just curious if there was one or two key wells that had changed the game there.
Mattie, I would say several of the operators always were aware the Haynesville Shale was prospective into northern portion of Sabine Parish. Now is an opportune time to pick up additional acreage that does not have to be drilled until 2013-2014 time frame. The Mid-Bossier Shale play is also adding value. Just check Petrohawk's latest map of the play.
Mattie. I agree with Les but would add that Chesapeake's decision to shift it's development focus further south is creating a greater level of competition that has not existed before. The days of Encana and SWEPI having this area of the play to themselves is over. And Petrohawk will have to make decisions regarding some of their isolated existing units in the southern reaches of the Play. They may not have the capital to compete. And this may be an Encana vs. Chesapeake show.
Has any one heard of merritt oil (lafayette ?) they are in northern sabine but kind of low balling....
ken. Can you use SONRIS Lite? If so, use the search for wells by organization name and enter, Merritt Oil. If they have ever drilled a well, it will be listed. If they have not, they are probably a land company. You can search the LA. Sec. of State website to see if they are incorporated in LA. and if so determine if the company is "in good standing".
CORRECTION: It was merit energy,not merritt oil. Has any one been approached by merit energy?
chesapeake drilled two wells aprox 2 miles west of the swepi well (murray)in sabine parish both of these wells are good. also forest energy drilled a well near ebarb noble area that was good. leasing picked up in that area soon after the well was drilled.lets not forget the swepi well drilled near zwolle the southern most well drilled by swepi it was an excellent well but the was damaged in the frac.
I own land in Many also. I have not been contacted regarding any leasing either. I am just hoping that I will be contacted. Please let me know if you hear anything. I would appreciate it.
There is no Merrit (or Merritt) Energy listed by the LOC as operating any wells currently or historically. That means the odds are good that they are merely a land company. Landowners approached by this company should inquire as to the actual E&P company that they represent.
I have heard from several land owners in 9N 12w that Merit Energy Services has been making lease offers of $1500/ac and 20% royalty in the higher numbered sections - 30 and up - in the past two weeks. No one will admit to accepting their offer or know anyone who has.
I would urge caution in dealing with this company. 25% is the standard royalty for this Play. And anytime I see offers which are less I have suspicions that those making the offers are planning to assign the leases to another party for a 25% royalty and keep the 5% differential as a portion of their profit.


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