Devon & Chesapeake Presentations at BofA/Merrill Lynch Energy Conference (11/17 & 11/18/09)

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Can anyone explain the difference between Petrohawk Haynesville/Bossier maps as relates to Sweet Spots-and their Partner in Nac--EOG VERSUS THE MAP IN CHESAPEAKES PRESENTATION ABOVE
I'd have to say that from where we sit, I like Petrohawks impression of the Bossier Trend maps much better as it swings all the way through NW Shelby Co and well into Nagodoches and Rusk as also.

My best guess as to why there is a difference between PHK's and CHK's interpretations is that each takes into account where there OWN lease holds are in place. P'hawk does seem to have more land leased upwards into that Nagodoches/Rusk area that I imagine they want their investors to see as viable holdings. Same with CHK having leases more on the Southern side of things so their maps exclude the Northern portions and PHK's maps exclude the Southern portions.

Hopefully neither companies interpretations are definative as it would be best for all of us mineral owners in E.Texas if BOTH maps are accurate.
I would also add that, although Devon did not have any specific Bossier vs. Haynesville trend maps in their presentation but their recent permits in Shelby County have been pushing into that Northwestern area of the county so as those wells (Warr Unit, Whitten Unit and the brand new Adams Unit) get drilled and IP'd it will add some new hard data points to the maps to prove the reserves and de-risk that region.

All good news I would hope and imagine.
Note Petrohawk Presentation pages 12 and 13 with 13 being "Significant Bossier Shale Potential" showing both Timpson and Tenaha in Shelby county and NOT showing the Bossier shale as potential where EOG is in JV with Petrohawk in Nacogdoches and EOG has announced that 3 of the 4 wells drilled in excess of 15 MMCF/day in the Bossier Shale



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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