If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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O&G CEO's...of course they are going to have a positive outlook, they have to. Can you imagine a CEO of any company, producing any product, getting in front of the nation on an investment television show and saying, "We feel like prices are going to be pretty stagnant for the next few months, so there is no real reason to buy our stock..."

And not once did I say "since prices are bad right now, go lease your land". I said the market situation is bad right now for O&G Companies, and your not going to get offered 10k-15k per acre right now in this area...and even when prices rise to 7-8/mcf (which they eventually will, of course), I doubt anyone will see your predicted acreage bonuses.

Why don't you give Eagle Stone Energy Partners a call next week:
Maybe they will tell you what it feels like to be holding 8,000 NMA's positioned right on the SA/Sabine County Line that no one wants. Or, if you think it's worth so much, maybe you should put a bid in and go drill yourself!

I'm not sure where you are getting this information about Eagle Stone, but it is not true. Eagle Stone Energy Partners is leasing for it's affiliate, Eagle Oil and Gas Company.
Eagle Oil and Gas assigned all the land they leased to Eagle Stone and Eagle Stone is selling its holdings in Sabine Parish, Sabine County and San Augustine County through Energy Spectrum Advisors. Look it up.
Thanks for your information. I have partial mineral rights on acreage in Sabine County, north of Hemphill. Devon Energy leased this in 2008 (before gas prices fell) for $6,000 per acre)

I'll tell you exactly why prices are not as high in San Augustine. Because it is not proven, and the formation is a whole lot deeper as you go farther south. Not to mention the pipeline infrastructure is not nearly as mature as it is farther north.

$8-9 in the short term?? In our dreams.

If you all think that e&p companies are going to come in and pay any more than $2,000/acre before anything is even proven, you are crazy. They are all sitting on their haunches waiting for well results. Even if the first few wells IP at a high rate, you are being ridiculous to even mention numbers in the ballpark of $18,000/acre. Put down the Koolaid, accept the irksome fact that you greedily turned down $5,000 six months ago, and move on.
Well said Bob.

We'll see $2 gas before we see $8-$9, that is what I am hearing.

Bob and ogmadvisor,
Re-read the comments. We aren't referring to the price of natural gas going up ASAP we are referring to the contracts bought on the futures...big difference!!!
Cheerleader said: "The individuals who have not leased have had the opportunity to really educate themselves."

Exactly right. Very good advice. Don't get caught without all the info you need to make a good decision. Be ready when the time comes. It will come.
Thanks so much for all of ya'lls information ... Have a wonderful day!
Correction to my Jan 12 post:
My uncle did not sign in 2009, he signed in Dec 2008 w/ drafts issued in '08. The well pad under construction in the Goodwin Community is an Encana well. It's located exactly one mile east of FM1277/FM1196 intersection off FM1277. Landman states 3 more are scheduled for '09, maybe more if things improve. Another Encana source stated that the pad is being prepared but there's not a full committment to drill yet. If so, he said it would be a horizontal. We're keeping our fingers crossed.... sorry for the earlier misinformation!
More info..... the proposed Encana well will be in the A Spear survey but I haven't seen an approved permit for it on the RR Commision site. If you spot it, let me know....thanks
Good News. Is the "A Spear" survey in the Goodwin [town] area?


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