If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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Thanks alot Frambrad! I know exactly where you are talking about ... Its about 7 miles down from where we live........ I going to check it out this weekend.... I know where the Spears is to...... Looking forward to it.. Very happy for those folks!!!! Glad to hear Encana has started in San Augustine drilling........ Good Company!!!!!!!! Talk care!
Farmbrad, The Pad that is being under construction what survey is it?
A Spear ....on the old Levi Evett place & to answer Cheerleader: Goodwin is in A Spear. It's just an area with a few houses around the FM1277/1196 intersection. It's not marked in any way. I'm not going up there until Feb 13. I'll check things out then.
As of today 2/2/2009 I have not heard of anyone leasing in San Augustine County this year. Am I correct?
Yes JWC.... I was told that Encana has a skelton crew here now... Most of them have left , just a few left...... Things have to get better for things to pick up...
Take a look at the "Wells drilled in San Augustine" discussion forum... My family is still being approached for additional leasing of mineral and land rights. The latest was from O'Brien for a small 28 acre section over in Nacogdoches county that butts up against San Augustine County. The landman handling the deal said they wanted this lease and if the quick return of the check within three days of the lease agreement being received by them is any indication, then I think he may be dead-on. If the price of gas jumps up, I have feeling all of the rest of the O&G companies will react just as quickly. So, there are still some leases being signed and hopefully some drilling to go with it.
Bill R, Could you twll us which Co. you leased to on that deal?
Thanks for the info Bill. South of the county not much going on.. I was just letting JWC know that Encana had started a pad and pulled out until things get better.. His land is down by ours... Things a very busy down on 21 going towards Nacogdoches. Lots of new drilling permits came up on the rrc today in that area........ i am hoping that when leasing comes back that they will get what we got or better for those who didn't get leased the first go around...
Hi Everyone, I'm one of the quiet types that doesn't post much at all, but gets a great education from reading all of your good questions and answers. An area rarely talked about, but I'm wondering if anybody knows of anything happening between 96 and Rosevine, north of 103? I have some land leased in there, but on the RRC site it's dead, nothing happening. Has anybody heard anything about "east of 96, south of SA?" Seems like everything is to the west and northwest.
In my opinion it is just a matter of gas prices coming back and well results from the shale coming out in the county. Once those two happen SA County will be busy.
Seems most of the activity is north of HWY 21. I agree with ALongview that in time SA will pick up to the South. O&G companies have leased to much land to ignote the area for very long. We just have to be paitent. Hard to do but not much of a choice right now.
Most of the oil companys that have leased in that are on 96 & 103 close to Rosevine have been Devon , Encana and Eagle.


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