All check out the following link for Dan Perry, a lawyer specializing in mineral management.


"Trustee, Cameron Mineral Trusts - 170,000+ acres in 18 counties in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas; producing leases with Apache, EOG Resources, Southwestern Energy, CW Resources, Chesapeake, Rosetta Resources, Alamo Operating and Ricochet Energy; producing Haynesville Shale lease in Nacogdoches County, TX, and Eagle Ford Shale on trend in Trinity County, TX"


I've attached that page as a file just in case someone sees the information and pulls it


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That's pretty interesting if it's true.  I don't suppose you have a guess at a well location yet? 

I've been reading completion reports in the Haynesville for over three years and over a year ago I noticed EOG turning in formation records showing Eagle Ford in Nacogdoches County.  Not on all, mind you, just an occasional one now and then. 

I think you will find operators looking at their acreage where there is Austin Chalk but I'm sure it will be on the QT until it isn't anymore.  I've even heard rumors about renewed interest in the Brookeland field in my area (lower Sabine) but I haven't seen any new permits yet.


We had a discussion last year about EOG's Murray 1H and 2H as to the formations and depths that were reported on the G-1 for both these wells. These wells are as close as they can be, but the formations are different.


1H: Saratoga 3895 - 5205

       Eagleford 5205 - 5800

       Paluxy 5800 - 7580

2H: Saratoga 3895

       Austin Chalk 4985

       Duck Creek 5505

       Paluxy 5935


Maybe we might find some oily opportunites in Nac Co?

Nick, I've seen EF on several other formation records in Nac. but you can't draw much from that because the rock may change a lot moving east (from what is found in south Texas).  I will say that I have no doubt that some operators are looking at it.  We won't know, until someone tries to complete a well in that interval, whether it's likely that that particular oily opportunity exists in our region.



I think there is a good chance there is something there, it it remains to be seen if it can be productive.  There may be some good candidates - say along the Angelina River between Wells and Alto.  there has been a lot of Cotton Valley drilling that would have gone through the Eagle Ford/Woodbine, and I think there may have been 3d seismic in that area.   




Speculatively, I think the Navidad and Burk activity is looking for/evaluating it.  I also think part of the objective on the Leor well is to evaluate it.  I've seen USGS data that shows the formation continuing from the currently defined play, through Madison, Trinity, Houston and east into Louisiana.  I'll see if I can track down that map and upload it tomorrow.  


Dan's reference seems specific to Cameron Mineral Trusts - I'll keep a lookout for their minerals in permits.  You can see some of their holdings here:

or here:,_TX.pdf



Agreed there is some interest in the Brookeland field - I was approached about a job in that area, and the conditions of the job suggest there will be an expansion of gathering and treating capacity.  I'm told Anadarko is one of the interested parties, but don't know anything specific.  

There seems to be some substance to the rumors re:Brookeland field.  That was the impetus behind the proposed commercial disposal well near me, about five miles north of the town and Jasper line.



Attached is a map of the Eagle Ford as mapped by the USGS, based on well data and siesmic data.  It is not intended to imply the entire area is productive.  

dbob, the map didn't attach.  Thanks for going to the trouble to find it, btw.

Thought there might be interest in this completion report from Trinity County, circa 1973-1974.

Well was completed in a formation called the Woodbine, from a depth of 9934-9948.  shut in pressure was 3314, but the well only flowed 700 MCF/day


Formations are listed as follows:

Austin chalk 8950' to 9880'

Woodbine and Shale 9880' to 10050'

Georgetown from 10050' to 10430'

Buda from 10430 to 10570'

and edwards line from 10570' to 10715'


I think there are well logs available from similar depths if one of you knows someone who can tell us what they mean.  

Oops report attached

That is well API # 45530491 and a log is available.  There is also a log available for 45530416

Thanks, dbob.  There aren't all that many wells to look at in Trinity Co. (online) but it appears that there were quite a few in the '70s that were deep (12-13,000).  There just aren't many that have a comprehensive formation record.



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