Land man called tonight with offer. $150/acre for 10acres. 3yrs with 2 yr. renewal. Told him to send paper work and would have lawyer look at it.

Any thoughts??

Will update here as this progresses.

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CHK reportedly had an average of $400/acre total leasehold acquisition costs in the Utica Shale.

Steve, You may want to talk with Leslie Ligon, He deals with a lot of leases for the large land owners in that area. You my friend, should be in the hot spot, They are drilling right on top of you, The Hurst property is very close to you and right across the Amite River also.


Is that the Hurst property that some company drilled a Tuscaloosa vertical well on (Not TMS) a year or so ago? I think I remember something about that. Was not sure about the outcome of that well; did not follow it that closely. 

I think the well is still pumping. there are several well's in that area, and across the river in St. Helena Parish, Along the Amite River.

I'd second the recommendation of Leslie Ligon. He knows the area well and should have a pretty good understanding of what's going on. 

Edit: I'd also add that Skip's advice throughout this thread is 100% on-point. 



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