I heard EOG is building a pad on FM3279 just South of 103.  Glad to have anothe O&G company in that area.

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Look up 347-33190 on the GIS map.  It is southwest of Etoile about 1.75 miles by road or 1.25 miles as the crow flies
YEah saw that one.  I was trying to look at the well log for the EOG well to see how far along they were.  Sorry for the confusion.
No, that depth came from Rig Data.  There's nothing to see on RRC.
EOG well was at 8548' April 28th.  You know how deep they are now jffree1?

They were at 17,305' on Friday (day 25).  Teal is on day 36 and they aren't saying what the depth is.


You have to wonder what the difference is.

Thanks jffree1.
I'm sorry to ask you this but my computer crashed at school.  Could you please send me the website for RRC to look up to see what wells have applied for permits and to show who is in the well.  Thank you.

Jeri, if you will bookmark this page, it has links to permit queries and other "favorite" pages on Railroad Commission.



We need a rumor on this EOG (Zap Minerals) well. 
Drove by the site Saturday.  The rig is still up.  Lot of pipe in the rack.  I also noticed a water line running on top of the ground from where 147 intersects 103 all the way to the rig location (FM3279).  Maybe they will be fracing before long.
JWC, did you note the rig name/number?  They may have moved in a different rig because they started with the Nabors #F38 which is drilling in Nacogdoches now on the Glaze Unit as of the 22nd.


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